On 1/17/2019 10:32 AM, Sean Mooney wrote:
a general questionon this topic. is there any update on supprot for deploying and upgrading to extracted placnement with other deployment tools
the main ones beyond triplo that come to mind are kolla-ansible, juju, openstack-ansible, openstack helm
there are obviously others but before we remove the code in nova i assume we will want to ensure that other tools beyond devstack, grenade and tripleo can actuly deploy stien with extracted placemnt and idealy upgrade.
was this covered in the placement extration meeting.
Chris has links for this in the etherpad and mentions it in the placement update emails. Off the top of my head, I want to say kolla can deploy and is working on upgrades from source tarballs (until debs are available). OSA has a change up for install which isn't merged yet. I don't know about juju or helm. -- Thanks, Matt