---- On Mon, 23 Mar 2020 17:42:26 -0500 Clark Boylan <cboylan@sapwetik.org> wrote ----
On Mon, Mar 23, 2020, at 3:04 PM, Ghanshyam Mann wrote:
---- On Mon, 23 Mar 2020 15:43:44 -0500 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote ----
On 2020-03-23 21:28:41 +0100 (+0100), Luigi Toscano wrote:
On Monday, 23 March 2020 20:11:50 CET Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2020-03-23 13:34:46 -0500 (-0500), Ghanshyam Mann wrote: [...]
Selected goals till now or V cycle: 1. Switch legacy Zuul jobs to native - https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/victoria/index.html
Please be aware that this goal references the old Zuul v3 Migration Guide which no longer exists except in Git history of the opendev/infra-manual repository (it was removed via https://review.opendev.org/711325 just shy of two years after the Zuul 3.0.0 release). You can still find the old source for it here:
ece47106ff3c8a328/doc/source/zuulv3.rst >
Why was it removed I think it still important. The amount of jobs still to be converted which lead to this goal should say something.
Can it be restored or at least added somewhere else?
The OpenDev Manual maintainers didn't want to continue curating instructions for a migration which should have happened two years ago. The content is CC-BY licensed though, so should be easy to copy into the goal document or similar if the OpenStack project wants to retain it somewhere.
We need that somewhere until all projects finish the migration. I agree it is a long time for zuulv3 exist but still projects are not migrated to it.
What is actual harm of keeping that in opendev manual?
We are trying to restructure the documentation to be less OpenStack specific and are moving content into other locations as necessary (all of the zuulv3 migration content is basically openstack or zuul specific). In this specific case much of the content is covered by Zuul's documentation (how to write jobs, job inheritance, secrets, etc). At the time this documentation was written a lot of this was still coming together on the Zuul side, but now that shouldn't be the case.
If there are bits not covered by the Zuul docs that should be we can fix that. We might also need to add some openstack specific bits into the openstack contributor guide.
I'd also be worried that the doc itself is quite stale as it has been a couple years. In particular I think the document lacks a lot of info on where the devstack jobs have evolved to.
I agree that Zuul documentation has all the details but the migration guide has few helpful sections especially from a legacy job perspective for example 'Legacy Jobs to Projects' which can be quick help to convert those to zuulv3. I am sure many people while working on this goal will find Zuul documentation a little too detail. I remember shanghai PTG discussion of this goal and people asked if we have clear documentation on migration and examples. OpenStack contributor guide is more for how to contribute part not some specific features/changes details. Maybe we can keep it where other OpenStack related infra docs are/will be? -gmann