Hi Duc, Thanks for sharing this. To date, we have limited adding questions to OpenStack project teams, UC, and TC. If we were going to open it up to Working Groups and SIGs, then we would need to open it up to all of the groups. We have not done this in the past, as we were trying to avoid making the survey too long and complex. We could evaluate this for the next version of the User Survey that will open in August and communicate with all working groups and SIGs, but we don’t have enough time to open that process for the current version. I am happy to join the next auto-scaling SIG meeting to help identify a way to collect this feedback in the meantime if your team would like. Cheers, Allison
On May 15, 2019, at 7:10 PM, Duc Truong <duc.openstack@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Jimmy,
The auto-scaling SIG would like to add a question to the user survey. Our question was drafted during our auto-scaling SIG meeting [1]. The question we would like to get added is as follows:
If you are using auto-scaling in your OpenStack cloud, which services do you use as part of auto-scaling? [Select all that apply]
Monasca Ceilometer Aodh Senlin Heat Other OpenStack service (please specify - e.g. Watcher, Vitrage, Congress) Custom application components Prometheus Other user-provided service (please specify)
[1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/auto_scaling_sig/2019/auto_scaling_s...