---- On Tue, 02 Apr 2019 14:47:55 -0500 Eric Fried <openstack@fried.cc> wrote ----
Dear Nova spec authors and reviewers-
Since our PTG time is shorter than usual this cycle, and we usually run out of time before we finish our agenda anyway, I would like to try to get as much spec review work wrapped up as possible before Denver.
To that end, I would like to propose at least one spec review day over the next couple of weeks. This will be a chance for authors and reviewers to interact in a more synchronous fashion and hopefully let us close on some of the more significant issues.
Can we do this next Tuesday, April 9th; and if necessary (and seeming productive) the following Tuesday, April 16th?
Both dates work for me. Thanks -gmann
If folks are amenable, I'll follow up with some logistics by the end of this week.
Thanks, efried .