31 Jan
31 Jan
12:41 a.m.
On 01/30/2019 02:58 PM, Sean Mooney wrote:
Hi Sean
I've set OVS_NUM_HUGEPAGES=14336 but now Devstack is failing to install...
On Wed, 2019-01-30 at 19:02 +0000, David Lake wrote: that appars to be unrelated you could disable the installation of tempest as a workaround but my guess is that it is related to the pip 19.0 or 19.0.1 relsase that was don in the last few days https://pypi.org/project/pip/#history
pip config was intoduced in pip 10.0.0b1 https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/news/#b1-2018-03-31