Hi everyone, I want to ask about the image operating permission & Windows images issue we met since we can't find any answers on the internet. 1. Now we're still using Rocky with Ceph as storage. Sometimes we need to re-pack the image on the Openstack. We used to save as snapshot (re-pack by Nova ephemeral VM) or upload to image (re-pack by volume), then set snapshot/image's visibility to the public. But since Rocky, we can't do this anymore because when we try to set public, Horizon always shows "not enough permission" error. The workaround we're using for now is creating a nova snapshot after re-pack, download the snapshot, then upload the snapshot again as public. But it's utterly wasting time if the images are huge. So we want to know how to unleash this limitation can let us just change snapshot to public at least. 2. Openstack uses virtio as a network device by default, so we always install a virtio driver when packing Windows images. As the network performance issue in GSO/TSO enablement, we also need to disable them in device properties. But since Windows 10 2004 build (my thought) device properties always reset these settings after Sysprep. We found there's a workaround [1] to solve this issue, but may not work sometimes. Is there a better way to solve this issue? Many thanks, Eddie. [1] PersistAllDeviceInstalls | Microsoft Docs <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/customize/desktop/unattend/microsoft-windows-pnpsysprep-persistalldeviceinstalls>