In discussing with efried, the nova<->ironic cross project session will be time boxed. If there are any pressing OR blocking items, they should be put on the etherpad for discussion. The actual order of discussion will be most pressing to least pressing if time permits. Thanks, -Julia On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 7:43 AM Dmitry Tantsur <> wrote:
On 3/20/19 4:55 PM, Eric Fried wrote:
Starting to plan for Denver, I'd like to get a feel for cross-project sessions involving Nova. I made a pass through the Nova etherpad [1] and started extracting the bits that were obvious cross-project topics with Neutron [2], Cyborg [3], and Placement [4]. In a couple of places where I wasn't sure I left `XPROJ?`.
We usually also have cross-project sessions with Cinder and Ironic. I saw no obvious topics with which to seed those etherpads yet, but please do so as they arise. Similarly, if other project teams have topics to discuss with Nova, please create an etherpad and link it from the bottom of [1] and the wiki [5].
I've put some ideas for a potential nova-ironic discussion:
Looking at the room schedule [6], how do folks feel about earmarking Friday morning for cross-project sessions? As the etherpads fill up we'll hopefully get a better idea of how much time to schedule for each. And doing it relatively early gives us time to prioritize spillover for Saturday if that becomes necessary.
Friday morning sounds great to me.
<what is going on in Eric's head?> Why granular etherpads? I'm hoping it will be more manageable than the enormous monolithic etherpad we usually end up with. We often tend to split out some pieces on the fly anyway; just trying to anticipate the need. Besides, granular is my middle name. </what>
Thanks, efried
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]