I am currently trying to deploy openstack wallaby using tripleo arch.
I created the network jinja templates, ran the following commands also:
#openstack overcloud network provision --stack overcloud --output networks-deployed-environment.yaml custom_network_data.yaml
# openstack overcloud network vip provision --stack overcloud --output vip-deployed-environment.yaml custom_vip_data.yaml
# openstack overcloud node provision --stack overcloud --overcloud-ssh-key /home/stack/sshkey/id_rsa overcloud-baremetal-deploy.yaml
and used the environment files in the openstack overcloud deploy command:
(undercloud) [stack@hkg2director ~]$ cat deploy.sh
openstack overcloud deploy --templates $THT \
-r $CNF/templates/roles_data.yaml \
-n $CNF/workplace/custom_network_data.yaml \
-e ~/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml \
-e $CNF/templates/node-info.yaml \
-e $CNF/templates/scheduler-hints.yaml \
-e $CNF/workplace/networks-deployed-environment.yaml \
-e $CNF/workplace/vip-deployed-environment.yaml \
-e $CNF/workplace/overcloud-baremetal-deployed.yaml \
-e $CNF/workplace/custom-net-bond-with-vlans.yaml
Now when i run the ./deploy.sh script i encounter an error stating:
ERROR openstack [-] Resource OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::ControlPlaneVipPort maps to type OS::Neutron::Port and the Neutron service is not available when using ephemeral Heat. The generated environments from 'openstack overcloud baremetal provision' and 'openstack overcloud network provision' must be included with the deployment command.: tripleoclient.exceptions.InvalidConfiguration: Resource OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::ControlPlaneVipPort maps to type OS::Neutron::Port and the Neutron service is not available when using ephemeral Heat. The generated environments from 'openstack overcloud baremetal provision' and 'openstack overcloud network provision' must be included with the deployment command.
2022-04-19 13:47:16.582 735924 INFO osc_lib.shell [-] END return value: 1
Can someone tell me where the mistake is?
With regards,
Swogat Pradhan