---- On Thu, 21 Mar 2019 18:37:10 -0500 Ian Wienand <iwienand@redhat.com> wrote ----
On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 09:45:50PM +1100, Ian Wienand wrote:
In moving repos to OpenDev and a gitea instance [1] we will need to change any git://git.openstack.org references to https://, as gitea does not currently support the native git protocol.
1. Propose changes now ----------------------
We can propose all these changes to the gate now (slowly, but ultimately in one hit) and let teams review and merge them.
In the last infra meeting [1] we decided to take this approach. You can expect to see reviews for this shortly, and merging them is appreciated.
They will created under the topic "opendev-gerrit-git".
Our current plan is to merge any outstanding changes on the 19th April.
The related Storyboard is #2004627, task #29701. These are not linked from the change to avoid overwhelming the story with links.
One question: I saw you are changing the links on all stable branches etc which are involved in our gate testing. +1 on that. My question is for libraries, if links modification is in any library (something on code side) then, should not we release that lib and bump the min version(low constraint) ? otherwise, it fails when project gate jobs/installation install that lib with an older version which use old url? I was reviewing openstack-dev/hacking changes [1] when this question strikes me but hacking change is just in tests so we are ok there. [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/646379/ -gmann
The scripts creating the changes are at [2]
[1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2019/infra.2019-03-19-19.01.lo... [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/642314/