Hi Tomáš:

The ml2 config option "bridge_mappings" is used by ML2/OVS. The mechanism driver ML2/OVN read this config from the local OVS DB, reading the "ovn-bridge-mappings" option from the Open vSwitch register. In other words, this is not needed in ML2/OVN.

NeutronFlatNetworks --> ml2_type_flat.flat_networks
NeutronNetworkVLANRanges --> ml2_type_vlan.network_vlan_ranges
NeutronBridgeMappings --> that will set "ovn_bridge_mappings" on the OVS register during the installation (when using ML2/OVN)


On Sat, Mar 11, 2023 at 12:02 AM Tomáš Bredár <tomas.bredar@gmail.com> wrote:
  Hi Rodolfo,

you helped a lot. I managed configure this, manually. Just for future reference let me write down what I did.
- First I already had the interface br-ex2 configured and correctly assigned physical interfaces in it
- I added the bridge mappings to the OVN DB:
ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:ovn-bridge-mappings=datacentre:br-ex,m-storage:br-ex2

- I added my nw m-storage to ml2_conf.ini:


- I restarted the neutron service
- since I already had the m-storage nw created in openstack, but as provider "datacenter" and I already had instance ports using it (but it was not working), I had to create a new network and subnet. Delete the original ports and recreate and reassign it to the instances.

If I may, now I have two questions:
1. Shouldn't I also define this in ml2_conf.ini
bridge_mappings = datacentre:br-ex,m-storage:br-ex2

or is the setting of the vswitch register via ovs-vsctl persistent between redeployments or reboots?

2. Which parameters in tripleo-heat-templates sets the above ml2_conf.ini? I found these params:

Thanks for your help


ut 7. 3. 2023 o 10:13 Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez <ralonsoh@redhat.com> napísal(a):
Hello Tomáš:

You need to follow the steps in [1]:
* You need to create the new physical bridge "br-ex2".
* Then you need to add to the bridge the physical interface.
* In the compute node you need to add the bridge mappings to the OVN database Open vSwitch register
* In the controller, you need to add the reference for this second provider network in "flat_networks" and "network_vlan_ranges" (in the ml2.ini file). Then you need to restart the Neutron server to read these new parameters (this step is not mentioned in this link).
  $ cat ./etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
  flat_networks = public,public2
  network_vlan_ranges = public:11:200,public2:11:200


On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 12:33 AM Tomáš Bredár <tomas.bredar@gmail.com> wrote:

I have a running production OpenStack deployment - version Wallaby installed using TripleO. I'm using the default OVN/OVS networking.
For provider networks I have two bridges on the compute nodes br-ex and br-ex2. Instances mainly use br-ex for provider networks, but there are some instances which started using a provider network which should be mapped to br-ex2, however I didn't specify "bridge_mappings" on ml2_conf.ini, so the traffic wants to flow through the default datacentre:br-ex.
My questions is, what services should I restart on the controller and compute nodes after defining bridge_mappings in [ovs] in ml2_conf.ini. And if this operation is safe and if the instances already using br-ex will lose connectivity?

Thanks for your help
