Hello Thomas, Thanks for starting this thread! I've been thinking about this as well, but due to other reason, how we can continue to abstract the service layer used in the Puppet modules. The most deployed way right now is the <module>::wsgi::apache (using puppetlabs-apache). Do you think there is a way we could move uWSGI into it's own <module>::wsgi::uwsgi layer and then use an upstream uWSGI module to do the actual configuration? Since uWSGI isn't in the OpenStack scope, same as Apache configuration hence the usage of puppetlabs-apache. I've been thinking about a similar concept with other service layers, like Docker with Kolla containers etc even though it's kind of out of scope for the Puppet OpenStack project, just thoughts. Best regards Tobias ________________________________________ From: Thomas Goirand <zigo@debian.org> Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 9:16 PM To: openstack-discuss Subject: [puppet] Configuring Debian's uwsgi for each service Hi, In Debian all service APIs are by default using uwsgi. This means that there's no reason to setup Apache for the API, as uwsgi comes by default. However, there are a number of things that operators may want to configure, like for example, the number of workers. This is why I started this PR: https://review.opendev.org/725065 Since Tobias asked for more details about what I was doing, I thought it was a good idea to start a thread in the list, rather than just discussing in the patch review. So, what I did for Neutron is only the beginning. If it works as I expect, I intend to generalize this on all OpenStack services supported by Debian. This means at least: - nova - keystone - glance - cinder - barbican - neutron - aodh - panko - gnocchi - etc. The first step is having this neutron_uwsgi_config provider up and running, then I'll see how to integrate with the rest of puppet-openstack and have things like number of workers integrated with <SERVICE>::api stuff... Your thoughts? Cheers, Thomas Goirand (zigo)