On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 5:09 PM Ananya Banerjee <anbanerj@redhat.com> wrote:

We have a tripleo gate blocker. Patches 816991,16 and 821778 which fixes bugs needs to go first to unblock the rest. Can someone please get these two patches to the top of the queue?

 Sorry pls ignore the previous patches. The correct patches that have to go first to unblock the gate are: 821538, 821778, 821699 in order. 
821538 - fixes ceph failures on sc001 004 and 010
821778 - fixes wallaby container builds
821699 - fixes pcs version issue in ussuri/victoria upgrades



Ananya Banerjee, RHCSA, RHCE-OSP

Software Engineer

Red Hat EMEA

M: +491784949931    
 IM: frenzy_friday


Ananya Banerjee, RHCSA, RHCE-OSP

Software Engineer

Red Hat EMEA

M: +491784949931    
 IM: frenzy_friday

@RedHat   Red Hat  Red Hat