
Sorry I broke a diff because of manual edit, below is the fix.

-delay_auth_decision = False
+delay_auth_decision = True

Thank to Pierre Riteau (priteau) that he catched my fault :) 


Michal Arbet
Openstack Engineer

Ultimum Technologies a.s.
Na Poříčí 1047/26, 11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic

+420 604 228 897 

út 14. 12. 2021 v 16:25 odesílatel Michal Arbet <michal.arbet@ultimum.io> napsal:

-delay_auth_decision = True
+delay_auth_decision = True

Above does the trick and now working :) 

Thank you

Michal Arbet
Openstack Engineer

Ultimum Technologies a.s.
Na Poříčí 1047/26, 11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic

+420 604 228 897 

út 14. 12. 2021 v 0:52 odesílatel Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> napsal:
 ---- On Mon, 13 Dec 2021 11:33:27 -0600 Michal Arbet <michal.arbet@ultimum.io> wrote ----
 > Hello to eveyrone,
 > Please, could someone help me with swift capabilities not working when I'm tempesting openstack test stack ?
 > Tempest :
 > rm -rf /tmp/tempest-lock/; refstack-client test -v -c /opt/tempest/tempest.conf -- --regex tempest.api.object_storage.test_account_quotas_negative.AccountQuotasNegativeTest
 > (.venv) root@ca6353106d83:/opt/refstack-client# rm -rf /tmp/tempest-lock/; refstack-client test -v -c /opt/tempest/tempest.conf -- --regex tempest.api.object_storage.test_account_quotas_negative.AccountQuotasNegativeTest
 > 2021-12-13 17:44:33.001 4358 INFO tempest [-] Using tempest config file /etc/tempest/tempest.conf
 > 2021-12-13 17:44:33,839 refstack_client:518 INFO Starting Tempest test...
 > 2021-12-13 17:44:33.839 4358 INFO refstack_client [-] Starting Tempest test...
 > {0} setUpClass (tempest.api.object_storage.test_account_quotas_negative.AccountQuotasNegativeTest) [0.000000s] ... FAILED
 > Captured traceback:
 > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 >     Traceback (most recent call last):
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/test.py", line 181, in setUpClass
 >     raise value.with_traceback(trace)
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/test.py", line 174, in setUpClass
 >     cls.resource_setup()
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/api/object_storage/test_account_quotas_negative.py", line 36, in resource_setup
 >     super(AccountQuotasNegativeTest, cls).resource_setup()
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/api/object_storage/base.py", line 95, in resource_setup
 >     body = cls.capabilities_client.list_capabilities()
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/capabilities_client.py", line 32, in list_capabilities
 >     self._error_checker(resp, body)
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/lib/common/rest_client.py", line 799, in _error_checker
 >     raise exceptions.Unauthorized(resp_body, resp=resp)
 >     tempest.lib.exceptions.Unauthorized: Unauthorized
 > Details: {'code': 401, 'title': 'Unauthorized', 'message': 'The request you have made requires authentication.'}
 > ==============================
 > Failed 1 tests - output below:
 > ==============================
 > setUpClass (tempest.api.object_storage.test_account_quotas_negative.AccountQuotasNegativeTest)
 > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > Captured traceback:
 > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 >     Traceback (most recent call last):
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/test.py", line 181, in setUpClass
 >     raise value.with_traceback(trace)
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/test.py", line 174, in setUpClass
 >     cls.resource_setup()
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/api/object_storage/test_account_quotas_negative.py", line 36, in resource_setup
 >     super(AccountQuotasNegativeTest, cls).resource_setup()
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/api/object_storage/base.py", line 95, in resource_setup
 >     body = cls.capabilities_client.list_capabilities()
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/capabilities_client.py", line 32, in list_capabilities
 >     self._error_checker(resp, body)
 >       File "/opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/lib/common/rest_client.py", line 799, in _error_checker
 >     raise exceptions.Unauthorized(resp_body, resp=resp)
 >     tempest.lib.exceptions.Unauthorized: Unauthorized
 > Details: {'code': 401, 'title': 'Unauthorized', 'message': 'The request you have made requires authentication.'}
 > ======
 > Totals
 > ======
 > Ran: 1 tests in 0.0000 sec.
 >  - Passed: 0
 >  - Skipped: 0
 >  - Expected Fail: 0
 >  - Unexpected Success: 0
 >  - Failed: 1
 > Sum of execute time for each test: 0.0000 sec.
 >     Response - Headers: {'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': '114', 'www-authenticate': 'Keystone uri=""', 'x-trans-id': 'tx815e181e33fb4854b2631-0061b7787a', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'tx815e181e33fb4854b2631-0061b7787a', 'date': 'Mon, 13 Dec 2021 16:44:42 GMT', 'connection': 'close', 'status': '401', 'content-location': 'https://api.refstack.ultimum.cloud:8080/info'}
 >         Body: b'{"error": {"code": 401, "title": "Unauthorized", "message": "The request you have made requires authentication."}}' _log_request_full /opt/refstack-client/.tempest/tempest/lib/common/rest_client.py:450
 > Test from command line  and from curl
 > . /etc/kolla/refstack.sh ; curl  -H "X-Auth-Token: $(openstack token issue -f value -c id)" https://api.refstack.ultimum.cloud:8080/info
 > {"swift": {"version": "2.27.1.dev9", "strict_cors_mode": true, "policies": [{"name": "Policy-0", "aliases": "Policy-0", "default": true}], "allow_account_management": true, "account_autocreate": true, "max_file_size": 5368709122, "max_meta_name_length": 128, "max_meta_value_length": 256, "max_meta_count": 90, "max_meta_overall_size": 4096, "max_header_size": 8192, "max_object_name_length": 1024, "container_listing_limit": 10000, "account_listing_limit": 10000, "max_account_name_length": 256, "max_container_name_length": 256, "extra_header_count": 0}, "container_sync": {"realms": {}}, "bulk_upload": {"max_containers_per_extraction": 10000, "max_failed_extractions": 1000}, "bulk_delete": {"max_deletes_per_request": 10000, "max_failed_deletes": 1000}, "tempurl": {"methods": ["GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE"], "incoming_remove_headers": ["x-timestamp"], "incoming_allow_headers": [], "outgoing_remove_headers": ["x-object-meta-*"], "outgoing_allow_headers": ["x-object-meta-public-*"], "allowed_digests": ["sha1", "sha256", "sha512"]}, "ratelimit": {"account_ratelimit": 0.0, "max_sleep_time_seconds": 60.0, "container_ratelimits": [], "container_listing_ratelimits": []}, "container_quotas": {}, "account_quotas": {}, "slo": {"max_manifest_segments": 1000, "max_manifest_size": 8388608, "yield_frequency": 10, "min_segment_size": 1, "allow_async_delete": false}}
 > Python Swiftclient :
 > ubuntu@deploy:/opt/kolla-ansible$  . /etc/kolla/refstack.sh ; swift --os-auth-url --auth-version 3 --os-project-name refstack --os-project-domain-name default  --os-username refstack --os-user-domain-name default  --os-password SECRET capabilities
 > Capabilities GET failed: 401 Unauthorized  [first 60 chars of response] b'{"error": {"code": 401, "title": "Unauthorized", "message": '
 > Failed Transaction ID: txc1d8607e26eb4cd587459-0061b7791b
 > It looks like swift client is broken, isn't it ? Or ? Maybe kolla-ansible is creating bad roles and config ? (operator_roles, reselleradmin_roel ..etc ? ) Tempest is from master
 > Thank you very much,Kevko

Are you running it with dynamic creds or pre-provisioned creds ?

Error is from  cls.capabilities_client which is initialized from CONF.object_storage.operator_role[1] which is 'member'
role by default. what is your configuration for this?

With default CONF.object_storage.operator_role as 'member' role, this test pass in upstream CI/CD so client is
not broken but it is configuration  issue:  https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/b29147647370418fb9fbb0182832749d/log/job-output.txt#27292

[1] https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/34432dc970d09a55572a68fa007575285e35b550/tempest/api/object_storage/base.py#L77


 > Michal Arbet
 > Openstack Engineer
 > Ultimum Technologies a.s.
 > Na Poříčí 1047/26, 11000 Praha 1
 > Czech Republic
 > +420 604 228 897
 > michal.arbet@ultimum.io
 > https://ultimum.io
 > LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook