2103 ERROR oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit Connection failed: failed to resolve broker hostname: OSError: failed to resolve broker hostname

On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 9:54 AM Dmitriy Rabotyagov <noonedeadpunk@gmail.com> wrote:
If you're going to go prod I would for sure use some deployment tool rather then manual deployment, as further operations and scaling up would be way easier.

What error do you get with existing hosts record?

вт, 11 апр. 2023 г., 14:57 Trey Fleishman <nfleishman@student.ccaeagles.org>:
Hello Dmitriy,

That is what I thought too, in my host file I define the hostname as the correct IP address, and if I change the "controller" hostname to some factitious IP I get a different error. I've tried putting the IP instead of the hostname, but to no avail. I can successfully ping the hostname from the machine. I would also rather not use a tool as I plan to go production once I get my two node setup functional. I am not sure if this might be a configuration issue, or maybe a bug.
Trey Fleishman
Student and IT Intern
(704) 750 - 1740
Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale
2401 W. Cypress Creek Rd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309

On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 12:54 AM Dmitriy Rabotyagov <noonedeadpunk@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Trey,

Have you defined a record in your /etc/hosts for "controller", as according to the error service simply can not resolve this hostname to an IP address.

Also I can suggest trying out one of the following OpenStack deployment tools:

Most of them have All-In-One guides that can spawn an opestack sandbox to play with.

вт, 11 апр. 2023 г., 00:21 Trey Fleishman <nfleishman@student.ccaeagles.org>:
Hello all,
Recently I tried installing Openstack via this guide. Upon completion of all the steps including the dashboard step, I was greeted with this error inside the nova_schedular.log file, after I tried creating an instance.

2103 ERROR oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit Connection failed: failed to resolve broker hostname: OSError: failed to resolve broker hostname

When I try to create an instance it hangs in the "scheduling" state and throws this error. I have not configured anything in the "oslo.messaging" section of the Nova config file. I believe that under the [default] section this is what's causing the issue, but the password and hostname are fine. 

transport_url = rabbit://openstack:BnE9LLfCtjdPvpEnZUnPytSyrfUxE8th@controller
