As discussed at the last PTG, the present meeting time (15:00 UTC on the first Thursday of each month) is inconvenient for some attendees, and that combined with year-end holidays and general busy weeks recently have led to skipping them entirely. In order to start narrowing down the potential meeting schedule, I have two initial polls. The first is to determine what frequency we should meet. If you have an opinion on that, please fill out this poll before Thursday, February 9 (two weeks from today): The second poll is to hopefully determine what day of the week is optimal for potential attendees. If you have a preference for which day of the week to meet, please complete this one by the same date as the first: Once I can analyze the results, I'll put together a more specific poll for choosing a time of day as well as possibly choosing which week(s) of the month (if we don't settle on weekly frequency). In the meantime, let's plan to hold February's meeting on Thursday the 2nd at 15:00-16:00 UTC as usual[*] for anyone who is able to attend, and I'll get an agenda together in preparation for that. [*] -- Jeremy Stanley