Thanks Jay, unfortunately being in Australia means the meeting is at 2am which isn’t really practical for me to attend. I’ll respond to the reviews, I understand there is a way now to do this with the API which I guess means this won’t get in. I was just trying to make the api easier to use. Cheers, Sam
On 9 May 2019, at 1:35 am, Jay Bryant <> wrote:
Thank you for reaching out to the mailing list on this issue. I am sorry that the review has been stuck in something of a limbo for quite some time. This is not the developer experience we strive for as a team.
Since it appears that we are having trouble reaching agreement as to whether this is a good change I would recommend bringing this topic up at our next weekly meeting so that we can all work out the details together.
If you would like to discuss this issue please add it to the agenda for the next meeting [1].
On 5/8/2019 2:51 AM, Sam Morrison wrote:
I’ve had a review going on for over 8 months now [1] and would love to get this in, it’s had +2s over the period and keeps getting nit picked, finally being knocked back due to no spec which there now is [2] This is now stalled itself after having a +2 and it is very depressing.
I have had generally positive experiences contributing to openstack but this has been a real pain, is there something I can do to make this go smoother?
Thanks, Sam
[1] [2]