Hi list,

I found the cause for the ( Error  unsupported configuration: Emulator '/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64' does not support virt type 'kvm'),   I  missed the qemu/kvm enabling in the /etc/kolla/globals.yml

nova_compute_virt_type: "qemu"     // once I added this and  done a  reconfigure  it works. ( kvm I didn't try  not sure whether need to add some special parameter enabling needed for nested virtualization scenario as in my case My host VM,  which is ubuntu22.04 ) 

(kolla_ansible_venv2) ubuntu@ubuntu-VM:~$ kolla-ansible -i all-in-one reconfigure

I am posting this here for beginners like me who are just exploring OpenStack for adopting/advising  the stack for large scale implementation especially in the government sector. 

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 10:58 PM KK CHN <kkchn.in@gmail.com> wrote:

1. I followed the tutorial 


and able to get things up and running upto  horizon dashboard login.( with the runinit once script ) which brings the default cirros image and default flavors and default networks.

2. When I tried to  create a cirros instance either through the horizon dashboard or through openstack CLI  the instance not up and running resulting in error . 

3. NOTE: This   kolla-ansible-all-in-one I am trying on a VM(   Ubuntu22.04  VM deployed on  ESXi 7.0 host).  

4. Do I need to edit or enable something on the ESXi host machine or the  Ubuntu base  VM  where I am trying the all-in-one installation ?  

ERROR as follows 
 2024-02-19 22:14:17.881 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager [instance: ca98a487-8214-4b41-bdbc-6eed0a9390cf] libvirt.libvirtError: unsupported configuration: Emulator '/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64' does not support virt type 'kvm'
2024-02-19 22:14:17.881 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager [instance: ca98a487-8214-4b41-bdbc-6eed0a9390cf]
2024-02-19 22:14:17.885 7 INFO os_vif [None req-133b5da1-40ad-45d4-af54-7e4fa299aeed 76b826e348324acb8ebf005721c0213a e83c8d350df24c51851c44bf6d6fc7d5 - - default default] Successfully unplugged vif VIFBridge(active=False,address=fa:16:3e:cc:95:02,bridge_name='qbr40ec669f-fc',has_traffic_filtering=True,id=40ec669f-fc19-4c1e-af03-5180819758a6,network=Network(db91c3c3-d0ca-41d1-9497-6511e79f2b10),plugin='ovs',port_profile=VIFPortProfileOpenVSwitch,preserve_on_delete=False,vif_name='tap40ec669f-fc')
2024-02-19 22:14:18.176 7 INFO nova.compute.manager [None req-133b5da1-40ad-45d4-af54-7e4fa299aeed 76b826e348324acb8ebf005721c0213a e83c8d350df24c51851c44bf6d6fc7d5 - - default default] [instance: ca98a487-8214-4b41-bdbc-6eed0a9390cf] Took 0.29 seconds to deallocate network for instance.
2024-02-19 22:14:18.280 7 INFO nova.scheduler.client.report [None req-133b5da1-40ad-45d4-af54-7e4fa299aeed 76b826e348324acb8ebf005721c0213a e83c8d350df24c51851c44bf6d6fc7d5 - - default default] Deleted allocations for instance ca98a487-8214-4b41-bdbc-6eed0a9390cf
2024-02-19 22:14:20.426 7 WARNING nova.virt.libvirt.driver [None req-00027f3f-4666-4f97-a672-085105be0946 - - - - - -] This host appears to have multiple sockets per NUMA node. The `socket` PCI NUMA affinity will not be supported.
2024-02-19 22:15:20.419 7 WARNING nova.virt.libvirt.driver [None req-00027f3f-4666-4f97-a672-085105be0946 - - - - - -] This host appears to have multiple sockets per NUMA node. The `socket` PCI NUMA affinity will not be supported.
