On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 10:43 AM Takashi Kajinami <tkajinam@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Wes,

Let me ask several questions especially about upstream maintenance.

- Will we retire stable/ocata and stable/pike, too ? It seems that these 2 branches are still open.
  Since we have really seen activity about these 2 branches recently. I think it is the time to retire these 2 stable branches as well.

you're right - while we no longer have any upstream ci running for pike/ocata - I just checked and it looks like we didn't tag the ocata/pike branches as eol - they are still active at [1][2] for example so yeah we should probably do that for these too.

[1] https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/branches
[2] https://github.com/openstack/python-tripleoclient/branches

- You didn't mention stable/queens but do you intend to keep it open ? If yes, how do we backport any fixes to queens after retiring R and S ? 
  I suppose that we'll backport a change from master to V/U/T and then Q, with skipping R/S, but is it right ?

main reason for keeping queens is because it is part of the fast forward upgrade (ffu) ... i.e. newton->queens for ffu 1 and then queens->train for ffu 2.
So indeed the backports will go as you described - to train then queens

hope it helps clarify somewhat

Thank you,

On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 12:18 AM Wesley Hayutin <whayutin@redhat.com> wrote:

I just wanted to give folks the opportunity to speak up before we make any changes.

As we are branching master -> victoria it looks like we can definitely remove stable/rocky from both upstream and RDO software factory.  Any comments about rocky?

Stein is end of maintenance on 2020 November 11th.   Any thoughts on dropping stein from upstream and rdo software factory?

Please be specific if you have comments as to which release you are referring to.