Another reminder that we are in the last hours for declaring PTL and TC candidacies. Nominations are open until Sep 29, 2020 23:45 UTC. If you want to stand for election, don't delay, follow the instructions at [1] to make sure the community knows your intentions. Make sure your nomination has been submitted to the openstack/election repository and approved by election officials. Election statistics[2]: Nominations started @ 2020-09-22 23:45:00 UTC Nominations end @ 2020-09-29 23:45:00 UTC Nominations duration : 7 days, 0:00:00 Nominations remaining : 23:38:26 Nominations progress : 85.93% --------------------------------------------------- Projects[1] : 55 Projects with candidates : 25 ( 45.45%) Projects with election : 0 ( 0.00%) --------------------------------------------------- Need election : 0 () Need appointment : 30 (Barbican* Blazar* Cinder* Cloudkitty Cyborg Designate* Ec2_Api Freezer Horizon Ironic* Karbor Magnum* Manila Masakari Monasca Murano Octavia OpenStack_Charms Oslo Packaging_Rpm Placement Qinling Quality_Assurance* Requirements* Searchlight Senlin Solum Storlets* Telemetry Watcher) =================================================== Stats gathered @ 2020-09-29 00:06:34 UTC (* indicates teams with pending nominations which haven't been confirmed by more than one election official yet) This means that with approximately 2 days left, 30 projects will be deemed leaderless. In this case the TC will oversee PTL selection as described by [3]. There are also currently 2 confirmed candidates and 3 additional pending nominations for the 4 open Technical Committee seats, indicating it's likely there will be a runoff poll for the TC election. Thank you, [1] [2] Any open reviews at have not been factored into these stats. [3] -- Jeremy Stanley on behalf of the OpenStack Technical Election Officials