On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 8:23 AM Matt Riedemann <mriedemos@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/26/2019 6:40 AM, Zhenyu Zheng wrote:
> > I'm working on a blueprint to support Detach/Attach root volumes. The
> > blueprint has been proposed for quite a while since mitaka[1] in that
> > version of proposal, we only talked about instances in shelved_offloaded
> > status. And in Stein[2] the status of stopped was also added. But now we
> > realized that support detach/attach root volume on a stopped instance
> > could be problemastic since the underlying image could change which
> > might invalidate the current host.[3]
> >
> > So Matt and Sean suggested maybe we could just do it for
> > shelved_offloaded instances, and I have updated the patch according to
> > this comment. And I will update the spec latter, so if anyone have
> > thought on this, please let me know.
> I mentioned this during the spec review but didn't push on it I guess,
> or must have talked myself out of it. We will also have to handle the
> image potentially changing when attaching a new root volume so that when
> we unshelve, the scheduler filters based on the new image metadata
> rather than the image metadata stored in the RequestSpec from when the
> server was originally created. But for a stopped instance, there is no
> run through the scheduler again so I don't think we can support that
> case. Also, there is no real good way for us (right now) to even compare
> the image ID from the new root volume to what was used to originally
> create the server because for volume-backed servers the
> RequestSpec.image.id is not set (I'm not sure why, but that's the way
> it's always been, the image.id is pop'ed from the metadata [1]). And
> when we detach the root volume, we null out the BDM.volume_id so we
> can't get back to figure out what that previous root volume's image ID
> was to compare, i.e. for a stopped instance we can't enforce that the
> underlying image is the same to support detach/attach root volume. We
> could probably hack stuff up by stashing the old volume_id/image_id in
> system_metadata but I'd rather not play that game.
> It also occurs to me that the root volume attach code is also not
> verifying that the new root volume is bootable. So we really need to
> re-use this code on root volume attach [2].
> tl;dr when we attach a new root volume, we need to update the
> RequestSpec.image (ImageMeta) object based on the new root volume's
> underlying volume_image_metadata so that when we unshelve we use that
> image rather than the original image.
> >
> > Another thing I wanted to discuss is that in the proposal, we will reset
> > some fields in the root_bdm instead of delete the whole record, among
> > those fields, the tag field could be tricky. My idea was to reset it
> > too. But there also could be cases that the users might think that it
> > would not change[4].
> Yeah I am not sure what to do here. Here is a scenario:
> User boots from volume with a tag "ubuntu1604vol" to indicate it's the
> root volume with the operating system. Then they shelve offload the
> server and detach the root volume. At this point, the GET
> /servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments API is going to show None for
> the volume_id on that BDM but should it show the original tag or also
> show None for that. Kevin currently has the tag field being reset to
> None when the root volume is detached.
> When the user attaches a new root volume, they can provide a new tag so
> even if we did not reset the tag, the user can overwrite it. As a user,
> would you expect the tag to be reset when the root volume is detached or
> have it persist but be overwritable?
> If in this scenario the user then attaches a new root volume that is
> CentOS or Ubuntu 18.04 or something like that, but forgets to update the
> tag, then the old tag would be misleading.
The tag is a Nova concept on the attachment. If you detach a volume
(root or not) then attach a different one (root or not), to me that's
a new attachment, with a new (potentially None) tag. I have no idea
who that fits into the semantics around root volume detach, but that's
my 2 cents.
> So it is probably safest to just reset the tag like Kevin's proposed
> code is doing, but we could use some wider feedback here.
> [1]
> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/33f367ec2f32ce36b00257c11c5084400416774c/nova/utils.py#L943
> [2]
> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/33f367ec2f32ce36b00257c11c5084400416774c/nova/compute/api.py#L1091-L1101
> --
> Thanks,
> Matt
Artom Lifshitz
Software Engineer, OpenStack Compute DFG