Hi all,
Introspection of remote node passes, but when I run provide, or I run introspect and provide at same time, it fails:
(undercloud) [stack@remote-u ~]$ overcloud node introspect --provide
Waiting for introspection to finish...
Waiting for messages on queue 'tripleo' with no timeout.
Introspection of node 489f0081-0ebb-4c70-af6d-de844623f89c completed. Status:SUCCESS. Errors:None
Successfully introspected 1 node(s).
Waiting for messages on queue 'tripleo' with no timeout.
[{u'result': u'Node
did not reach state "available", the state is "[u\'clean wait\', u\'clean wait\']", error: [None, None]'}]
Failed to set nodes to available state: Node
did not reach state "available", the state is "[u'clean wait', u'clean wait']", error: [None, None]
(undercloud) [stack@remote-u ~]$ baremetal port list
| UUID | Address |
| 0e76f1eb-0a73-43db-b6ec-44a34bcdac55 | b4:96:91:13:ff:c0 |
| ea97d28c-b78e-4b1d-8662-a4254fad38fc | 24:6e:96:14:a1:a4 |
(undercloud) [stack@remote-u ~]$ baremetal port show ea97d28c-b78e-4b1d-8662-a4254fad38fc
| Field | Value |
| address | 24:6e:96:14:a1:a4 |
| created_at | 2020-04-16T10:24:08+00:00 |
| extra | {} |
| internal_info | {} |
| is_smartnic | False |
| local_link_connection | {u'port_id': u'568', u'switch_id': u'80:ac:ac:f8:14:c0'} |
| node_uuid | 489f0081-0ebb-4c70-af6d-de844623f89c |
| physical_network | remote-provision |
| portgroup_uuid | None |
| pxe_enabled | True |
| updated_at | 2020-04-16T15:26:43+00:00 |
| uuid | ea97d28c-b78e-4b1d-8662-a4254fad38fc |
(undercloud) [stack@remote-u ~]$
any ideas?