Greetings,Just a heads up over the course of the next few weeks upstream TripleO should see a transparent migration from CentOS-8 to CentOS-8-Stream.We do have a few options with regards to how the transition will take place. First and foremost we're going to migrate the master branch only at this time.Question 1: ArtifactsOption1: New namespaces for artifacts:Containers: or some combinationImages: or other combinationOption2:Master content and namespaces is overwritten with centos-8-stream containers and images and will retain the paths and namespaces.Containers:
Question 2: job names
We can update the master jobs to include "stream" in the name and be explicit for the distro nameOR:We can leave the job names as is and just communicate that "centos-8" is now really centos-8-stream
Now's your chance to weigh in prior to the upcoming changes.Thanks!