On Apr 1, 2020, at 9:54 AM, Allison Price <allison@openstack.org> wrote:Hi everyone -In case you didn’t see the post on the Foundation mailing list, we have a community meeting tomorrow where we will be talking about updates to OSF events as well as project updates and how you can get involved in the 10th year of OpenStack campaign.One meeting will be in English and one in Mandarin.Bring your questions and see you then!Cheers,Allison
Begin forwarded message:From: Allison Price <allison@openstack.org>Subject: OpenStack Foundation Community MeetingsDate: March 26, 2020 at 10:21:15 AM CDTHi everyone,Next week we are going to have two community meetings to discuss the OpenStack 10th anniversary planning, current community projects, and an update on OSF events. Please join if you would like to hear updates or if you have questions for the OpenStack Foundation team.Join us:If you are unable to join one of the above times, I will share a recording to the mailing list after the meetings.Cheers,Allison