Hi Brian You’re correct about that. The Attachment to public networks means, I think, that it needs to be a private network. In my follow up, I managed to get much more detail about a specific server creation, and showed, I think, that the vm had been trying to use a couple of dhcp servers (v4 and v6), that afaict didn’t exist - I couldn’t ping them and didn’t recognise the network segments. I couldn’t work out where they came from. I got that detail by reviewing this: https://bit.ly/3MG6jnR atm, I’m trying to see if I can get this to work: https://bit.ly/3mD60PU However, I immediately ran into some VirtuaBox changes that invalidated the Vagrantfile. I think that I can fix these. The experience highlights to me the need for a decent test environment. Even then, I suspect that it’s very easy to have some of the latent bugs that you get in distributed systems, which undergrad courses note (https://bit.ly/2OgyWiI: I’m particularly fond of the example that lurks in Cassandra from that lecture set), and which AWS had to resort to formal proofs with TLA+ to even spot. Tim
On 10 Jun 2022, at 14:56, Brian Haley <haleyb.dev@gmail.com> wrote:
From your log below you have this:
nova.exception.ExternalNetworkAttachForbidden: It is not allowed to create an interface on external network 205fa7d7-7067-4f63-b3d9-6a9b37b
That comes from nova/network/neutron.py:
if net.get('router:external') and not net.get('shared'): raise exception.ExternalNetworkAttachForbidden( network_uuid=net['id'])
And from your original email 205fa7d7-7067-4f63-b3d9-6a9b37b4f11f is the "public" network, not the "shared" network you created.
My guess if you don't have the "shared" attribute set on that network, or you're using the wrong network. What does 'openstack network show 205fa7d7-7067-4f63-b3d9-6a9b37b4f11f' output look like?
On 6/10/22 06:52, tim+openstack.org@coote.org wrote:
On 9 Jun 2022, at 13:20, Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez <ralonsoh@redhat.com <mailto:ralonsoh@redhat.com>> wrote:
This seems to be a problem in Neutron. Please provide what backend you are using, and the Neutron server logs. If the ML2 driver has agents (DHCP, ML2 agent), provide the agents logs too.
Hullo thanks for the response. I don’t know what to look for wrt ml2 driver - I’m using the default `stack.sh` installation script from the devstack repo. The neutron log has helped, I think. I found this useful as a starting point:https://bit.ly/3MG6jnR <https://bit.ly/3MG6jnR> as it enables log extraction of events relating to the creation of a specific server (although that’s still quite large for a mailing list). I think that this may help with your question (but as I said, I don’t really understand the question). There may be a dhcp issue: I cannot ping either ipv4 or ipv6 dhcp addresses mentioned in the log from the vm. I’ve no idea where they come from, however. Jun 10 10:13:49 localhost.localdomain nova-compute[20725]: DEBUG nova.network.neutron [req-1c6a3f76-b810-4f78-89ab-ba8c0d1a2b39 req-172db7ab-dbda-4bad-912c-3bc0f26069a5 service nova] [instance: fc8c3558-e9f5-488f-96b6-8a2eeb1f be4f] Updated VIF entry in instance network info cache for port 5ae4c0d6-2ad1-4f91-9a3b-5ed0d93239cc. {{(pid=20725) _build_network_info_model /opt/stack/nova/nova/network/neutron.py:3420}} Jun 10 10:13:49 localhost.localdomain nova-compute[20725]: DEBUG nova.network.neutron [req-1c6a3f76-b810-4f78-89ab-ba8c0d1a2b39 req-172db7ab-dbda-4bad-912c-3bc0f26069a5 service nova] [instance: fc8c3558-e9f5-488f-96b6-8a2eeb1f be4f] Updating instance_info_cache with network_info: [{"id": "5ae4c0d6-2ad1-4f91-9a3b-5ed0d93239cc", "address": "fa:16:3e:02:7a:6a", "network": {"id": "2a1a4a3a-a47b-48bd-a7df-c90fc75a1c63", "bridge": "br-int", "label": "private", "subnets": [{"cidr": "", "dns": [], "gateway": {"address": "", "type": "gateway", "version": 4, "meta": {}}, "ips": [{"address": "", "type": "fixed", "version": 4, "meta": {}, "floating_ips": []}], "routes": [], "version": 4, "meta": {"dhcp_server": ""}}, {"cidr": "fd5b:4cf4:f7c1::/64", "dns": [], "gateway": {"address": "fd5b:4cf4:f7c1::1", "type": "gateway", "version": 6, "meta": {}}, "ips": [{"address": "fd5b:4cf4:f7c1:0:f816:3eff:fe02:7a6a", "type": "fixed", "version": 6, "meta": {}, "floating_ips": []}], "routes": [], "version": 6, "meta": {"ipv6_address_mode": "slaac", "dhcp_server": "fd5b:4cf4:f7c1::1"}}], "meta": {"injected": false, "tenant_id": "6c0b876005f44086bd9bde5fef672dfe", "mtu": 1442, "physical_network": null, "tunneled": true}}, "type": "ovs", "details": {"port_filter": true, "connectivity": "l2", "bound_drivers": {"0": "ovn"}}, "devname": "tap5ae4c0d6-2a", "ovs_interfaceid": "5ae4c0d6-2ad1-4f91-9a3b-5ed0d93239cc", "qbh_params": null, "qbg_params": null, "active": false, "vnic_type": "normal", "profile": {}, "preserve_on_delete": false, "delegate_create": true, "meta": {}}] {{(pid=20725) update_instance_cache_with_nw_info /opt/stack/nova/nova/network/neutron.py:117}} Jun 10 10:14:11 localhost.localdomain nova-compute[20725]: DEBUG nova.compute.manager [None req-66324ba4-aeda-4bbd-9711-9eafbf9c7bb7 None None] [instance: fc8c3558-e9f5-488f-96b6-8a2eeb1fbe4f] Skipping network cache update for instance because it is Building. {{(pid=20725) _heal_instance_info_cache /opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py:9465}} Jun 10 10:15:12 localhost.localdomain nova-compute[20725]: DEBUG nova.compute.manager [None req-66324ba4-aeda-4bbd-9711-9eafbf9c7bb7 None None] [instance: fc8c3558-e9f5-488f-96b6-8a2eeb1fbe4f] Skipping network cache update for instance because it is Building. {{(pid=20725) _heal_instance_info_cache /opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py:9465}} Jun 10 10:16:12 localhost.localdomain nova-compute[20725]: DEBUG nova.compute.manager [None req-66324ba4-aeda-4bbd-9711-9eafbf9c7bb7 None None] [instance: fc8c3558-e9f5-488f-96b6-8a2eeb1fbe4f] Skipping network cache update for instance because it is Building. {{(pid=20725) _heal_instance_info_cache /opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py:9465}} Jun 10 10:17:12 localhost.localdomain nova-compute[20725]: DEBUG nova.compute.manager [None req-66324ba4-aeda-4bbd-9711-9eafbf9c7bb7 None None] [instance: fc8c3558-e9f5-488f-96b6-8a2eeb1fbe4f] Skipping network cache update for instance because it is Building. {{(pid=20725) _heal_instance_info_cache /opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py:9465}} Jun 10 10:17:50 localhost.localdomain neutron-server[20918]: DEBUG ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.transaction [-] Running txn n=1 command(idx=0): CheckRevisionNumberCommand(name=5ae4c0d6-2ad1-4f91-9a3b-5ed0d93239cc, resource={'id': '5ae4c0d6-2ad1-4f91-9a3b-5ed0d93239cc', 'name': '', 'network_id': '2a1a4a3a-a47b-48bd-a7df-c90fc75a1c63', 'tenant_id': '6c0b876005f44086bd9bde5fef672dfe', 'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:02:7a:6a', 'admin_state_up': True, 'status': 'DOWN', 'device_id': 'fc8c3558-e9f5-488f-96b6-8a2eeb1fbe4f', 'device_owner': 'compute:nova', 'standard_attr_id': 41, 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': 'e7377bed-3e22-4e8d-9c2d-ea7ba740fcfd', 'ip_address': ''}, {'subnet_id': 'f915b88c-9988-4e1f-9060-a6295465699a', 'ip_address': 'fd5b:4cf4:f7c1:0:f816:3eff:fe02:7a6a'}], 'allowed_address_pairs': [], 'extra_dhcp_opts': [], 'security_groups': ['ed75ab0b-d9a4-4023-9204-93038729f6d3'], 'description': '', 'binding:vnic_type': 'normal', 'binding:profile': {}, 'binding:host_id': 'localhost.localdomain', 'binding:vif_type': 'ovs', 'binding:vif_details': {'port_filter': True, 'connectivity': 'l2', 'bound_drivers': {'0': 'ovn'}}, 'port_security_enabled': True, 'tags': [], 'created_at': '2022-06-10T10:13:44Z', 'updated_at': '2022-06-10T10:13:46Z', 'revision_number': 3, 'project_id': '6c0b876005f44086bd9bde5fef672dfe'}, resource_type=ports, if_exists=True) {{(pid=20918) do_commit /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ovsdbapp/backend/ovs_idl/transaction.py:90}} Jun 10 10:17:50 localhost.localdomain neutron-server[20918]: DEBUG ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.transaction [-] Running txn n=1 command(idx=1): SetLSwitchPortCommand(lport=5ae4c0d6-2ad1-4f91-9a3b-5ed0d93239cc, columns={'external_ids': {'neutron:port_name': '', 'neutron:device_id': 'fc8c3558-e9f5-488f-96b6-8a2eeb1fbe4f', 'neutron:project_id': '6c0b876005f44086bd9bde5fef672dfe', 'neutron:cidrs': ' fd5b:4cf4:f7c1:0:f816:3eff:fe02:7a6a/64', 'neutron:device_owner': 'compute:nova', 'neutron:network_name': 'neutron-2a1a4a3a-a47b-48bd-a7df-c90fc75a1c63', 'neutron:security_group_ids': 'ed75ab0b-d9a4-4023-9204-93038729f6d3', 'neutron:revision_number': '3'}, 'parent_name': [], 'tag': [], 'options': {'requested-chassis': 'localhost.localdomain', 'mcast_flood_reports': 'true'}, 'enabled': True, 'port_security': ['fa:16:3e:02:7a:6a fd5b:4cf4:f7c1:0:f816:3eff:fe02:7a6a'], 'dhcpv4_options': [UUID('01cae053-612b-4c91-81e8-39884ef035dd')], 'dhcpv6_options': [], 'type': '', 'addresses': ['fa:16:3e:02:7a:6a fd5b:4cf4:f7c1:0:f816:3eff:fe02:7a6a'], 'ha_chassis_group': []}, if_exists=False) {{(pid=20918) do_commit /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ovsdbapp/backend/ovs_idl/transaction.py:90}} Jun 10 10:18:13 localhost.localdomain nova-compute[20725]: DEBUG nova.compute.manager [None req-66324ba4-aeda-4bbd-9711-9eafbf9c7bb7 None None] [instance: fc8c3558-e9f5-488f-96b6-8a2eeb1fbe4f] Skipping network cache update for instance because it is Building. {{(pid=20725) _heal_instance_info_cache /opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py:9465}} Jun 10 10:18:49 localhost.localdomain nova-compute[20725]: WARNING nova.compute.manager [None req-4a03d9e1-6053-4167-ab43-fba30072a79c demo admin] [instance: fc8c3558-e9f5-488f-96b6-8a2eeb1fbe4f] Timeout waiting for ['network-vif-plugged-5ae4c0d6-2ad1-4f91-9a3b-5ed0d93239cc'] for instance with vm_state building and task_state spawning. Event states are: network-vif-plugged-5ae4c0d6-2ad1-4f91-9a3b-5ed0d93239cc: timed out after 300.00 seconds: eventlet.timeout.Timeout: 300 seconds Jun 08 15:24:48 localhost.localdomain nova-compute[87555]: ERROR nova.compute.manager nova.exception.ExternalNetworkAttachForbidden: It is not allowed to create an interface on external network 205fa7d7-7067-4f63-b3d9-6a9b37b>