Hi John,
Thanks for the inputs. Now I see something strange. 
Deployment with external ceph is unstable, it got deployed once and we saw an error of VM not getting created because of some reasons, we were debugging and found that we found some NTP related observation, which we fixed and tried redeploying. 
Not it again got failed at step 4:
2022-08-25 17:34:29.036371 | 5254004d-021e-d4db-067d-000000007b1a |       TASK | Create identity internal endpoint
2022-08-25 17:34:31.176105 | 5254004d-021e-d4db-067d-000000007b1a |      FATAL | Create identity internal endpoint | undercloud | error={"changed": false, "extra_data": {"data": null, "details": "The request you have made requires authentication.", "response": "{\"error\":{\"code\":401,\"message\":\"The request you have made requires authentication.\",\"title\":\"Unauthorized\"}}\n"}, "msg": "Failed to list services: Client Error for url: https://overcloud-public.mydomain.com:13000/v3/services, The request you have made requires authentication."}

To revalidate the case, I tried a fresh setup and saw that deployment again failed at step 4. 
and when we remove external ceph from the deployment command, we see that deployment is happening 100%. 
I see authorization errors, which I used to get earlier as well,  but because of DNS we were able to resolve this. 
what could be the reason for this when we are using External ceph ?

any inputs would be helpful

deploy command:
stack@undercloud ~]$ cat deploy_step2.sh
openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -r /home/stack/templates/roles_data.yaml \
    -n /home/stack/templates/custom_network_data.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/templates/overcloud-baremetal-deployed.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/templates/networks-deployed-environment.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/templates/vip-deployed-environment.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/templates/environment.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/ironic-conductor.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/ironic-inspector.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/ironic-overcloud.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/templates/ironic-config.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/ptp.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/templates/enable-tls.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/tls-endpoints-public-dns.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/templates/cloudname.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/inject-trust-anchor-hiera.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/external-ceph.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/templates/my-additional-ceph-settings.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/docker-ha.yaml \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/podman.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml

[stack@undercloud ~]$ cat /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/external-ceph.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Services::CephExternal: ../deployment/cephadm/ceph-client.yaml

  # NOTE: These example parameters are required when using CephExternal
  CephClusterFSID: 'ca3080e3-aa3a-4d1a-b1fd-483459a9ea4c'
  CephClientKey: 'AQB2hMZi2u13NxAAVjmKopw+kNm6OnZOG7NktQ=='
  CephExternalMonHost: 'abcd:abcd:abcd::11,abcd:abcd:abcd::12,abcd:abcd:abcd::13'

  # the following parameters enable Ceph backends for Cinder, Glance, Gnocchi and Nova
  NovaEnableRbdBackend: true
  CinderEnableRbdBackend: true
  CinderBackupBackend: ceph
  GlanceBackend: rbd
  # Uncomment below if enabling legacy telemetry
  # GnocchiBackend: rbd
  # If the Ceph pools which host VMs, Volumes and Images do not match these
  # names OR the client keyring to use is not named 'openstack',  edit the
  # following as needed.
  NovaRbdPoolName: vms
  CinderRbdPoolName: volumes
  CinderBackupRbdPoolName: backups
  GlanceRbdPoolName: images
  # Uncomment below if enabling legacy telemetry
  # GnocchiRbdPoolName: metrics
  CephClientUserName: openstack

  # finally we disable the Cinder LVM backend
  CinderEnableIscsiBackend: false

On Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 10:32 PM John Fulton <johfulto@redhat.com> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 3:45 AM Lokendra Rathour <lokendrarathour@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Fulton,
Thanks for the inputs and apologies for the delay in response. 
to my surprise passing the container prepare in standard worked for me, new container-prepare is:

  - push_destination: true
      ceph_alertmanager_image: alertmanager
      ceph_alertmanager_namespace: quay.ceph.io/prometheus
      ceph_alertmanager_tag: v0.16.2
      ceph_grafana_image: grafana
      ceph_grafana_namespace: quay.ceph.io/app-sre
      ceph_grafana_tag: 6.7.4
      ceph_image: daemon
      ceph_namespace: quay.io/ceph
      ceph_node_exporter_image: node-exporter
      ceph_node_exporter_namespace: quay.ceph.io/prometheus
      ceph_node_exporter_tag: v0.17.0
      ceph_prometheus_image: prometheus
      ceph_prometheus_namespace: quay.ceph.io/prometheus
      ceph_prometheus_tag: v2.7.2
      ceph_tag: v6.0.7-stable-6.0-pacific-centos-stream8
      name_prefix: openstack-
      name_suffix: ''
      namespace: myserver.com:5000/tripleowallaby
      neutron_driver: ovn
      rhel_containers: false
      tag: current-tripleo
    tag_from_label: rdo_version

But if we see or look at these containers I do not see any such containers available. we have tried looking at Undercloud and overcloud. 

The undercloud can download continers from the sources above and then act as a container registry. It's described here:

Also, the deployment is done when we are passing this config.
Thanks once again. 

Also, we need to understand some use cases of using the storage from this external ceph, which can work as the mount for the VM as direct or Shared storage. Any idea or available document which tells more about how to consume external Ceph in the existing triple Overcloud?

Ceph can provide OpenStack Block, Object and File storage and TripleO supports a variety of integration options for them.

TripleO can deploy Ceph as part of the OpenStack overcloud:

TripleO can also deploy an OpenStack overcloud which uses an existing external ceph cluster:

At the end of both of these documents you can expect Glance, Nova, and Cinder to use Ceph block storage (RBD). 

You can also have OpenStack use Ceph object storage (RGW). When RGW is used, a command like "openstack container create foo" will create an object storage container (not to be confused with podman/docker) on CephRGW as if your overcloud were running OpenStack Swift. If you have TripleO deploy Ceph as part of the OpenStack overcloud, RGW will be deployed and configured for OpenStack object storage by default (in Wallaby+). 

The OpenStack Manila service can use CephFS as one of its backends. TripleO can deploy that too as described here:


Do share in case you know any, please.

Thanks once again for the support, it was really helpful

On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 9:59 PM John Fulton <johfulto@redhat.com> wrote:
The ceph container should no longer be needed for external ceph configuration (since the move from ceph-ansible to cephadm) but if removing the ceph env files makes the error go away,  then try adding it back and then following these steps to prepare the ceph container on your undercloud before deploying. 

On Wed, Aug 10, 2022, 11:48 PM Lokendra Rathour <lokendrarathour@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Thanks, 
for the inputs, we could see the miss, 
now we have added the required miss :
"TripleO resource OS::TripleO::Services::CephExternal: ../deployment/cephadm/ceph-client.yaml"

Now with this setting if we deploy the setup in wallaby, we are getting error as:

PLAY [External deployment step 1] **********************************************
2022-08-11 08:33:20.183104 | 525400d4-7124-4a42-664c-0000000000a8 |       TASK | External deployment step 1
2022-08-11 08:33:20.211821 | 525400d4-7124-4a42-664c-0000000000a8 |         OK | External deployment step 1 | undercloud -> localhost | result={
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "Use --start-at-task 'External deployment step 1' to resume from this task"
[WARNING]: ('undercloud -> localhost', '525400d4-7124-4a42-664c-0000000000a8')
missing from stats
2022-08-11 08:33:20.254775 | 525400d4-7124-4a42-664c-0000000000a9 |     TIMING | include_tasks | undercloud | 0:05:01.151528 | 0.03s
2022-08-11 08:33:20.304290 | 730cacb3-fa5a-4dca-9730-9a8ce54fb5a3 |   INCLUDED | /home/stack/overcloud-deploy/overcloud/config-download/overcloud/external_deploy_steps_tasks_step1.yaml | undercloud
2022-08-11 08:33:20.322079 | 525400d4-7124-4a42-664c-0000000048d0 |       TASK | Set some tripleo-ansible facts
2022-08-11 08:33:20.350423 | 525400d4-7124-4a42-664c-0000000048d0 |         OK | Set some tripleo-ansible facts | undercloud
2022-08-11 08:33:20.351792 | 525400d4-7124-4a42-664c-0000000048d0 |     TIMING | Set some tripleo-ansible facts | undercloud | 0:05:01.248558 | 0.03s
2022-08-11 08:33:20.366717 | 525400d4-7124-4a42-664c-0000000048d7 |       TASK | Container image prepare
2022-08-11 08:34:32.486108 | 525400d4-7124-4a42-664c-0000000048d7 |      FATAL | Container image prepare | undercloud | error={"changed": false, "error": "None: Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/ (Caused by None)", "msg": "Error running container image prepare: None: Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/ (Caused by None)", "params": {}, "success": false}
2022-08-11 08:34:32.488845 | 525400d4-7124-4a42-664c-0000000048d7 |     TIMING | tripleo_container_image_prepare : Container image prepare | undercloud | 0:06:13.385607 | 72.12s

This gets failed at step 1, As this is wallaby and based on the document (Use an external Ceph cluster with the Overcloud — TripleO 3.0.0 documentation (openstack.org)) we should only pass this external-ceph.yaml for the external ceph intergration. 
But it is not happening.

Few things to note:
1. Container Prepare:
(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ cat containers-prepare-parameter.yaml
# Generated with the following on 2022-06-28T18:56:38.642315
#   openstack tripleo container image prepare default --local-push-destination --output-env-file /home/stack/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml

  - push_destination: true
      name_prefix: openstack-
      name_suffix: ''
      neutron_driver: ovn
      rhel_containers: false
      tag: current-tripleo
    tag_from_label: rdo_version
(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$
2. this is SSL based deployment. 

Any idea for the error, the issue is seen only once we have the external ceph integration enabled. 

Best Regards,

On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 7:22 PM Francesco Pantano <fpantano@redhat.com> wrote:
ceph is supposed to be configured by this tripleo-ansible role [1], which is triggered by tht on external_deploy_steps [2].
In theory adding [3] should just work, assuming you customize the ceph cluster mon ip addresses, fsid and a few other related variables.
From your previous email I suspect in your external-ceph.yaml you missed the TripleO resource OS::TripleO::Services::CephExternal: ../deployment/cephadm/ceph-client.yaml
(see [3]).


On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 2:01 PM Lokendra Rathour <lokendrarathour@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Team,
I was trying to integrate External Ceph with Triple0 Wallaby, and at the end of deployment in step4 getting the below error:

2022-08-03 18:37:21,158 p=507732 u=stack n=ansible | 2022-08-03 18:37:21.157962 | 525400fe-86b8-65d9-d100-0000000080d2 |       TASK | Create containers from /var/lib/tripleo-config/container-startup-config/step_4
2022-08-03 18:37:21,239 p=507732 u=stack n=ansible | 2022-08-03 18:37:21.238718 | 69e98219-f748-4af7-a6d0-f8f73680ce9b |   INCLUDED | /usr/share/ansible/roles/tripleo_container_manage/tasks/create.yml | overcloud-controller-2
2022-08-03 18:37:21,273 p=507732 u=stack n=ansible | 2022-08-03 18:37:21.272340 | 525400fe-86b8-65d9-d100-0000000086d9 |       TASK | Create containers managed by Podman for /var/lib/tripleo-config/container-startup-config/step_4
2022-08-03 18:37:24,532 p=507732 u=stack n=ansible | 2022-08-03 18:37:24.530812 |                                      |    WARNING | ERROR: Can't run container nova_libvirt_init_secret
2022-08-03 18:37:24,533 p=507732 u=stack n=ansible | 2022-08-03 18:37:24.532811 | 525400fe-86b8-65d9-d100-0000000082ec |      FATAL | Create containers managed by Podman for /var/lib/tripleo-config/container-startup-config/step_4 | overcloud-novacompute-0 | error={"changed": false, "msg": "Failed containers: nova_libvirt_init_secret"}
2022-08-03 18:37:44,282 p=507732 u

  # Enable use of RBD backend in nova-compute
  NovaEnableRbdBackend: True
  # Enable use of RBD backend in cinder-volume
  CinderEnableRbdBackend: True
  # Backend to use for cinder-backup
  CinderBackupBackend: ceph
  # Backend to use for glance
  GlanceBackend: rbd
  # Name of the Ceph pool hosting Nova ephemeral images
  NovaRbdPoolName: vms
  # Name of the Ceph pool hosting Cinder volumes
  CinderRbdPoolName: volumes
  # Name of the Ceph pool hosting Cinder backups
  CinderBackupRbdPoolName: backups
  # Name of the Ceph pool hosting Glance images
  GlanceRbdPoolName: images
  # Name of the user to authenticate with the external Ceph cluster
  CephClientUserName: admin
  # The cluster FSID
  CephClusterFSID: 'ca3080-aaaa-4d1a-b1fd-4aaaa9a9ea4c'
  # The CephX user auth key
  CephClientKey: 'AQDgRjhiuLMnAxAAnYwgERERFy0lzH6ufSl70A=='
  # The list of Ceph monitors
  CephExternalMonHost: 'abcd:abcd:abcd::11,abcd:abcd:abcd::12,abcd:abcd:abcd::13'

Have tried checking and validating the ceph client details and they seem to be correct, further digging the container log I could see something like this :

[root@overcloud-novacompute-0 containers]# tail -f nova_libvirt_init_secret.log
tail: cannot open 'nova_libvirt_init_secret.log' for reading: No such file or directory
tail: no files remaining
[root@overcloud-novacompute-0 containers]# tail -f stdouts/nova_libvirt_init_secret.log
2022-08-04T11:48:47.689898197+05:30 stdout F ------------------------------------------------
2022-08-04T11:48:47.690002011+05:30 stdout F Initializing virsh secrets for: ceph:admin
2022-08-04T11:48:47.690590594+05:30 stdout F Error: /etc/ceph/ceph.conf was not found
2022-08-04T11:48:47.690625088+05:30 stdout F Path to nova_libvirt_init_secret was ceph:admin
2022-08-04T16:20:29.643785538+05:30 stdout F ------------------------------------------------
2022-08-04T16:20:29.643785538+05:30 stdout F Initializing virsh secrets for: ceph:admin
2022-08-04T16:20:29.644785532+05:30 stdout F Error: /etc/ceph/ceph.conf was not found
2022-08-04T16:20:29.644785532+05:30 stdout F Path to nova_libvirt_init_secret was ceph:admin
[root@overcloud-novacompute-0 containers]# tail -f stdouts/nova_compute_init_log.log

~ Lokendra
skype: lokendrarathour

Francesco Pantano

~ Lokendra
skype: lokendrarathour

~ Lokendra
skype: lokendrarathour

~ Lokendra
skype: lokendrarathour