Hello Alfredo, I think I could connect on IRC #openstack-containers where magnum experts could help you.

Any case the error you reported in previous emails seems to be related to heat wait conditions.

Il giorno mer 9 gen 2019 alle ore 08:26 Alfredo De Luca <alfredo.deluca@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Hi Ignazio. I downloaded your magnum.conf but it\s not that different from mine. Not sure why but the cluster build seems to run....along with heat but I get that error mentioned earlier.


On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 8:43 AM Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocassano@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Alfredo,
attached here there is my magnum.conf for queens release
As you can see my heat sections are empty
When you create your cluster,  I suggest to check heat logs e magnum logs for verifyng what is wrong

Il giorno dom 30 dic 2018 alle ore 01:31 Alfredo De Luca <alfredo.deluca@gmail.com> ha scritto:
so. Creating a stack either manually or dashboard works fine. The problem seems to be when I create a cluster (kubernetes/swarm) that I got that error. 
Maybe the magnum conf it's not properly setup? 
In the heat section of the magnum.conf I have only 
region_name = RegionOne
endpoint_type = internalURL


On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 10:15 PM Alfredo De Luca <alfredo.deluca@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes. Next step is to check with ansible.
I do think it's some rights somewhere... 
I'll check later. Thanks

On Fri., 28 Dec. 2018, 7:39 pm Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocassano@gmail.com wrote:
1 . how did you run the last  heat template?  By dashboard ?
2. Using openstack command you can check if ansible configured  heat user/domain correctly

It seems a problem related  to
  heat user rights?

Il giorno Ven 28 Dic 2018 09:06 Alfredo De Luca <alfredo.deluca@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Hi Ignazio. The engine log doesn 't say anything...except 
2018-12-17 11:51:35.284 4064 INFO oslo_service.service [-] Child 4202 killed by signal 15
 which is last log from a few days ago.

While the journal of the heat engine says
Dec 28 06:36:29 aio1-heat-api-container-16f41ed7 systemd[1]: Started heat-engine service.
Dec 28 06:36:31 aio1-heat-api-container-16f41ed7 heat-engine[91]: /openstack/venvs/heat- SAWarning: Unicode type received non-unicode bind param value 'data-processing-cluster'. (this warning may be suppressed after 10 occurrences)
Dec 28 06:36:31 aio1-heat-api-container-16f41ed7 heat-engine[91]:   (util.ellipses_string(value),))

I also checked the configuration and it seems to be ok. the problem is that I installed openstack with ansible-openstack.... so I can't change anything unless I re run everything.

On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 8:57 AM Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocassano@gmail.com> wrote:
Check heat user and domani are c onfigured like at the following:

Il giorno Gio 27 Dic 2018 23:25 Alfredo De Luca <alfredo.deluca@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Hi Ignazio. I tried to spin up a stack but I got an error... Authorization failed. Not sure why. I am a bit stuck

On Sun., 23 Dec. 2018, 9:19 pm Alfredo De Luca <alfredo.deluca@gmail.com wrote:
I ll try asap. Thanks 

On Sat., 22 Dec. 2018, 10:50 pm Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocassano@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Alfredo, have you tried a simple heat template to verify if heat is working fine? 

Il giorno Sab 22 Dic 2018 20:51 Alfredo De Luca <alfredo.deluca@gmail.com> ha scritto:
The problem is that doesn't go that far... It fails before even creating the master. 

On Sat., 22 Dec. 2018, 6:06 pm Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocassano@gmail.com wrote:
Anycase during deployment you can connect with ssh to the master and tail the /var/log/ cloud in it output for checking.

Il giorno Sab 22 Dic 2018 17:18 Alfredo De Luca <alfredo.deluca@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Ciao Ignazio
What do you mean with master? you mean k8s master?
I guess everything is fine... but I'll double check. 


On Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 9:30 AM Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocassano@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Alfredo, I am working on queens and I am not sure my answer could help you.... 
Can your master speak with kyestone public endpoint port (5000) ?

Il giorno Ven 21 Dic 2018 16:20 Alfredo De Luca <alfredo.deluca@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Hi all. 
I installed magnum on openstack and now, after a few issue with cinder type list error, it passed that issue but now I have another one....

AuthorizationFailure: resources.kube_masters.resources[0].resources.master_wait_handle: Authorization failed.

Not sure what to do nor check
Any clue? 




