25 Aug
25 Aug
5:52 p.m.
Hello Everyone, As you already know that the 2023.1 cycle virtual PTG will be held between Oct 17th - 21[1]. I have started the preparation for the Technical Committee PTG sessions. Please do the following: 1. Fill the below poll as per your availability. - https://framadate.org/yi8LNQaph5wrirks 2. Add the topics you would like to discuss to the below etherpad. - https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2023-1-ptg NOTE: this is not limited to TC members only; I would like all community members to fill the doodle poll and, add the topics you would like or want TC members to discuss in PTG. [1] https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-August/030041.h... -gmann