Hello Folks,
Thank you Jeremy and Clark for sharing the issue that you have. I understand that the main issue is related to a lack of time.
ELK stack requires a lot of resources, but the values that you share probably can be optimized. Is it possible to share
the architecture, how many servers are using which Elasticsearch server role (master, data servers, etc.) ?
My team is managing RDO infra, which contains an ELK stack based on Opendistro for Elasticsearch.
We have ansible playbooks to setup Elasticsearch base on Opendistro just on one node. Almost all of ELK
stack services are located on one server that does not utilize a lot of resources (the retention time is set to
10 days, 90GB of HDD is used, 2GB of RAM for Elasticsearch, 512MB for Logstash).
Could you share, what is the retention time set currently in the cluster that it requires 1 TB disk? Also other statistics like
how many queries are done in kibana and how much of HDD disk space is used by the Openstack project and compare
it to other projects that are available in Opendev?
In the end, I would like to ask, if you can share what is the Elasticsearch version currently running on your servers and if
you can share the -Xmx and -Xms parameters that are set in Logstash, Elasticsearch and Kibana.
Thank you for your time and effort in keeping things running smoothly for OpenDev. We find the OpenDev ELK stack
valuable enough to the OpenDev community to take a much larger role in keeping it running.
If you can think of any additional links or information that may be helpful to us taking a larger role here, please do not
hesitate to share it.