---- On Mon, 28 Mar 2022 13:28:45 -0500 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote ----
A number of teams seem not to have noticed that their tests (and possibly the services themselves) were broken by the removal[*] of the "tenant" argument from RequestContext objects in oslo.context 4.0.0 released on February 3, 2022.
As we're at a little over a day left before we need to finalize the Yoga release, I'm seeking permission from the TC on behalf of the OpenStack Release Managers to bypass normal core reviewer, PTL and release liaison approval processes in order to approve any remaining changes for official OpenStack projects necessary for this transition, and to produce new release candidates with those fixes included as necessary.
Thanks, Fungi and the release team for bringing it and taking care of those projects release. We called the TC emergency meeting to discuss it and agreed on the above proposal to allow fungi to approve the fixes and proceed on their release. - https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2022/tc.2022-03-28-18.07.log.html This is something those project's PTLs/Release liaisons (who were recently appointed based on their request) should give serious thought to this situation and take care of it at least during the release time that their code/tests are in working state. -gmann
[*] https://review.opendev.org/815938 -- Jeremy Stanley