Sorry for bringing this thread back to the top again.

But I am wondering if there are people who have already deployed Trove in production? If yes, are you using service tenant model(create the database vm and related resources in the admin project) or using the flatten mode that the end user has access to the database vm and the control plane network as well?

I am asking because we are going to deploy Trove in a private cloud, and we want to take more granular control of the resources created, e.g for every database vm, we will create the vm in the admin tenant, plug a port to the control plane(`CONF.default_neutron_networks`) and the other ports to the network given by the users, we also need to specify different security groups to different types of neutron ports for security reasons, etc.

There are something missing in trove in order to achieve the above, I'm working on that, but I'd like to hear more suggestions.

My irc name is lxkong in #openstack-trove, please ping me if you have something to share.

Lingxian Kong

On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 7:35 PM Darek Król <> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 9:27 AM Fox, Kevin M
<<>> wrote:

> > I'd recommend at this point to maybe just run kubernetes across the vms and push the guest agents/workload to them.

> This sounds like an overkill to me. Currently, different projects in openstack are solving this issue > in different ways, e.g. Octavia is using two-way SSL authentication API between the controller service and amphora(which is the vm running HTTP server inside), Magnum is using heat-container-agent that is communicating with Heat via API, etc. However, Trove chooses another option which has brought a lot of discussions over a long time.

> In the current situation, I don't think it's doable for each project heading to one common solution, but Trove can learn from other projects to solve its own problem.
> Cheers,
> Lingxian Kong

The Octavia way of communication was discussed by Trove several times
in the context of secuirty. However, the security threat has been
eliminated by encryption.
I'm wondering if the Octavia way prevents DDOS attacks also ?

Implementation of two-way SSL authentication API could be included in
the Trove priority list IMHO if it solves all issues with
security/DDOS attacks. This could also creates some share code between
both projects and help other services as well.
