On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 9:12 PM Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
This topic is a very important and critical area to solve in the OpenStack community. I personally feel and keep raising this issue wherever I get the opportunity.
To develop or maintain any software, the very first thing we need is to have enough developer resources. Without enough developers (either open or closed source), none of the software can survive.
OpenStack current situation on contributors is not the same as it was few years back. Almost every project is facing the less contributor issue as compare to requirements and incoming requests. Few projects already dead or going to be if we do not solve the less contributors issue now.
I know, TC is not directly responsible to solve this issue but we should do something or at least find the way who can solve this.
What do you think about what role TC can play to solve this? What platform or entity can be used by TC to raise this issue? or any new crazy Idea?
I think this has unfortunately become a self-inflicted wound by us sticking to our ways and refusing to adopt change. The space and landscape has changed so much over the past few years and we've stuck to our ways and refused to adopt these technologies. I think by adding more things that natively run on top of Kubernetes, we add a whole set of potential contributors who can use those OpenStack components that want to run Kubernetes only.
-- Mohammed Naser — vexxhost ----------------------------------------------------- D. 514-316-8872 D. 800-910-1726 ext. 200 E. mnaser@vexxhost.com W. https://vexxhost.com