Hi everyone, we got great feedback during the summit, if you wanna check the topics we discussed, see this etherpad [1]. Feel also free to add additional concerns with the current interop processes. I was happy to see that many of you are thinking about interoperability and want to improve the testing in this regard. IWG has been seeking feedback from operators as well as users for some time now to make sure it helps with interoperability as much as possible. If you haven't already, please fill out this short (2-3 min) questionnaire [2]. Public Cloud SIG hosted an interesting session in terms of interoperability testing as well, see their etherpad [3]. I'm sure that you'll see further communication in that regard soon. I look forward to future collaboration between IWG and Public Cloud SIG. [1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/Berlin2022-Forum-InteropWG [2] https://forms.gle/YW95Hb2LoppaiLxv8 [3] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/berlin-summit-future-public-cloud-sig Regards, -- Martin Kopec Senior Software Quality Engineer Red Hat EMEA IM: kopecmartin