Hello guys, as we did not have any feedback on this matter we will proceed with the deprecation notice in Antelope of the Monasca support removal, and then in the next release, we will be removing it.

On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 1:49 PM Rafael Weingärtner <rafaelweingartner@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello guys,
As discussed in the PTG [1], in October, we wanted to check with the community if there are people using CloudKitty with Monasca. This discussion was brought up during the PTG that Kolla-ansible is deprecating support to Monasca, and we wanted to check if others are using CloudKitty with Monasca. This integration is not being actively tested and maintained; therefore, we are considering the issue of a deprecation notice and further removal of the integration.

What do you guys think?

Are there people using CloudKitty with Monasca?

[1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2022-ptg-cloudkitty

Rafael Weingärtner

Rafael Weingärtner