Hey Osloers,
Months ago we moved a couple of oslo deliverables to the independent release model [1][2], however it led us to issues with backports [3].
Backports are not an option for those deliverables.
On Wed, 2022-11-09 at 09:59 +0100, Herve Beraud wrote: that is only true because we do not create brances for each y stream in the x.y.z naming if we did that then you could delvier bugfix z relases with select backports. moving back to release with intermediary is proably fine but ohter then process restrictions i dont think there is anythign that woudl prevent an independed released compentent form doing backports if they really wanted too. really what you woudl want to do is select a subset of LTS release that you create the branch for and backport too that effectivly is what cycle-with-intermediary will give you. you will have one "lts" release per upstrema cycle as cycle-with-intermediary requires at least one release a cycle but like indepenent allows arbviarty adtional release at any time in the cycle outside the freeze periods.
During the previous release management team' PTG we discussed this topic and we decided [4] to move back the oslo deliverables to the cycle-with-intermediary model.
You can follow the transition to the CWI model through this patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/864095
Do not hesitate to react directly to the patch.
Thanks for your time.
[1] https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-November/018527... [2] https://opendev.org/openstack/releases/commit/5ecb80c82ed3ab0144c8e5860ee62d... [3] https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-September/03061... [4] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2022-ptg-rel-mgt