Hello everyone,
thank you to all who participated in the PTG discussions and shared their thoughts and opinions. It's very much appreciated!
Here is the summary of the discussions [1]:
* Yoga Retrospective
** more details in [1]
* Secure RBAC
** Devstack - mostly done, it has already options to enable enforce scope
** Tempest - tests will need to be migrated
*** will be started after Keystone and Nova are migrated
* FIPS current status and next plans
** Tempest will use ecdsa keys by default (instead of rsa)
** QA team will help reviewing related patches
* Tempest tests in mixed-architecture environments
** there is no support in Zuul for a testing like this
** still in a brainstorming phase looking for a potential solution, if you have any ideas, feel free to reach out
* Direction on replacing the scenario manager
** in progress, the plan is to finish it (merge related patches) sooner in the cycle
* Retirement of QA projects
** openstack-health
** tempest-lib
** os-testr
*** ostestr command was removed from os-testr repo
* Future of Centos Stream support
** we'd like to create at least an experimental job on Rocky linux
** during the Zed cycle we would like to deprecated Centos 8 Stream and influence projects to start using Centos 9 Stream jobs
The discussed topics are transformed into priority items [2] we will be focusing on this cycle.
Martin Kopec
Senior Software Quality Engineer
Red Hat EMEA
IM: kopecmartin