Thank you Jay! I totally agree with Amy concerning all the things, visible or not to everyone, that you have done and that you will continue to do.
You embody great leadership

Le jeu. 1 août 2024 à 14:48, Amy Marrich <> a écrit :

Thank you for not just what you have done on the TC, but all the little things that may not be as visible to everyone and I know you will continue to do!


On Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 12:15 PM Jay Faulkner <> wrote:
Hi all,

The nomination period for TC members / PTLs is coming up soon. I wanted to inform the community that I do not intend on standing for election for another year on the TC.

Now is a good time, especially if you work somewhere other than Red Hat, to consider serving as a TC member to ensure our leadership team contains representation for all perspectives of OpenStack use.

I'm happy to speak with anyone privately who is interested in running about what it's like to be on the TC, and to share some strategies I exercised to ensure the value of my TC membership was being communicated to leadership at my job.

Jay Faulkner
Technical Committee Member

Hervé Beraud
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat
irc: hberaud