Hi all,

I have successfully deployed the overcloud many many times, but this time I have a strange behaviour. Whenever I try to launch an instance it fails. I checked the logs on the compute node and saw this error:

Failed to build and run instance: libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: libvirt:  error : cannot execute binary /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm: Permission denied

googling led me to the solution to disable selinux:

setenforce 0

I have not made this change persistent yet, as I would like to know why I'm facing this issue right now. What is actually the default for the overcloud nodes SeLinux? Enforcing, permissive or disabled? I build the ipa and overcloud image myself as I had to include drivers. Is this maybe the reason why SeLinux is now enabled, but is actually disabled when using the default ipa images?

Thanks and Best Regards,