On Wed, 2024-03-06 at 17:05 +0000, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2024-03-05 15:31:48 +0100 (+0100), Michal Arbet wrote:
What about this issue ? Is there any agreement how this will be solved ? I've already checked reviews referred in previous emails in this chain and it seems nothing (mostly) moved forward ? [...]
Just as a reminder to those recently revisiting this thread (I'll admit I had forgotten myself until Jay reminded me), there is already a proposed goal: https://review.opendev.org/902807
justs an aside the way the goal is being implemented in nova is we are adding suppoprt for wsgi python paths while maintian the existing functionatliy https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/902686 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/902687 we will likely keep the PBR functionatliy till 2025.1 or 2026.1 so the main aspect of the goal is to ensure we can run all the services without needing the pbr generated scripts and the removal of that support from the services can happen at a future date. so if we adopt this goal and implement it in the relevent project it will not have any upgrade impact initally as its additive and the only upgrade impact comes when we later decide to stop supproting the old way. by the way this is requried for use to supprot pyproject.toml for any project that has wsgi supprot and will likely be required for using newer pip version in general since newer pip tools and other package manager for python now invent a pyproject.toml if it does not exist. this breaks editable installs as the pbr wsgi extension does not work. while that coudl be fixed with some effort it technial debt we should try and remove so im very much in favor of adopting this goal. i have attempted to enhance pbr to provide a bridge but i will not have time to complete that whihc is why we abandoned those patches last year.
It has very little feedback yet so I've added the [tc] tag to the subject in hopes of better bringing this thread to their attention, but if you have opinions on the proposal it would be good to record them in review comments there as well as prompting your elected TC to make a decision one way or the other. Anyone can review proposed goals, you don't have to be on the TC to offer your personal/professional input or preferences in these matters.