And feature freeze is on. I just proposed all of the changes that merged last week for release. Hopefully those will be the last feature releases of the cycle, although I'm aware of at least one bug that may require a feature release due to requirements changes. TBD on that though. Oslo cores, as discussed in the meeting this week, please don't merge anything that would require a feature release without discussing it with me first. Thanks. -Ben On 2/18/19 10:07 AM, Ben Nemec wrote:
Just a reminder that Oslo feature freeze happens this week. Yes, it's earlier than everyone else, and if you're wondering why, we have a policy[1] that discusses it.
The main thing is that if you have features you want to get into Oslo libraries this cycle, please make sure they merge by Friday. After that we'll need to go through the FFE process and there's no guarantee we can land them. Feel free to ping us on IRC if you need reviews.