Thank you Julia, this is very helpful, I wasn't aware. This covers both commits (Git -> Overview) and reviews (Gerrit -> Approvals), it seems. And I am able to add a "project is neutron" filter that aggregates from all project repos too.


On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 1:28 PM Julia Kreger <> wrote:
Just as a note, I know stackalytics has had issues over the years, in part as an unofficial tool, such that an entirely different dashboard has been posted[0] with the help of the Foundation. At a glance, it doesn't appear to provide review level statistics, but there are also some separate tools to generate that data if needed.


On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 7:43 AM Ihar Hrachyshka <> wrote:

I noticed that "neutron" is not an option in the Module list when Commits are selected, and no neutron commits are registered since ~Oct 2023.

On the other hand, other Neutron program repos (e.g. neutron-lib and neutron-tempest-plugin) are available in the list and do register commits.

Also, when Reviews are selected, neutron module is back as an option, and review stats are correctly updated.

Any ideas what may have happened?
