Hey everyone, We had quite a productive discussion on the PTG and I will provide a summary of them below. It was divided into multiple sections, like things we need to finish for 2023.2 (Bobcat) - since OpenStack-Ansible has trailing release model we have some time to wrap things up; plans for 2024.1 (Caracal) and some things that moved out of scope until better times. You can also find original PTG with discussions here [1] Finalizing 2023.1 (Bobcat): * Documentation on using pretty endpoint names (ie identity.cloud.org instead of cloud.org:5000). For 2024.1 we will try to simplify the way of using such naming to make it more convenient for end-users. * Finalize support of RabbitMQ Quorum queues for all services [2]. With that they will be disabled by default at least for 2023.2 release and we will revise the defaults for 2024.1 * Implement openstack_resources common rolem that will handle different resources creation, like OpenStack users, projects, networks, images, aggregates, etc. It will be also used in roles like Tempest, Octavia, Trove and Magnum to create such resources, instead of each role implementing its own flow of doing that. We agreed to add a separate playbook that will allow deployers to leverage the role and run it after setup-openstack. * Debian 12 support. Most patches have landed, but we also need to reflect it's support in documentation * Review and release Skyline role. Tough discussion was about defaults and how Skyline should co-exist with Horizon. As a result we decided to deploy both options, when both are defined in the inventory (as usual), but the playbook that is run last will basically configure HAProxy backends to itself, fully neglecting other available services. So if you want to have both Skyline and Horizon running and functional - you will need to apply some overrides for that. There are also no guarantees that we will be able to merge and release the role in time, so we may end up with making it as part of OSA only for 2024.1. Scoped improvements for 2024.1 (Caracal): * Adoption of PKI role to be used with PIPE modules, that will allow the role to be pointed to any file (like encrypted with ansible-vault) or external storage that supports lookup, instead of plain text files on a deploy host. With that we will also take a look at using Hishcorp Vault as a PKI source and adding it as another driver in addition to the "standalone" one. * Natively supporting multi-AZ deployments for Neutron. At the moment for OVS/LXB you need to define some overrides to make that working, while for OVN you would need to manually execute a bunch of commands. POC patch has been already proposed [3], but it still needs some love. * Finalize support of OVN driver for Octavia. Initial patch has been proposed, but it also needs some love, despite it works in general [4] * Resume work on ProxySQL implementation as a replacement for HAProxy balancing for MariaDB deployment. That should improve load distribution between MariaDB backends. * Allow to select OS for LXC containers. At the moment we're forcing to use the host OS, while in some cases it might be preferred to use a different one, like during OS upgrades or switching the OpenStack deployment from one distro to another. * With that we are excited about incus (LXD fork) having the first release and it being packaged with traditional packages (only .deb at the moment). This opens the door for implementation of incus as a manager for LXC containers, that may simplify our flows and day2 operations significantly. * Invest some time into decreasing the runtime, both for CI/CD and for end-user deployments. * In case improvements for Quorum Queues will land to the oslo.messaging [5] - add a set of variables to roles for nicely controlling the behaviour. [1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/osa-caracal-ptg [2] https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:osa%252Fquorum_queues [3] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron/+/858271 [4] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia/+/868462 [5] https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:bug-2031497