Hi everyone, 

Thanks to all who joined or created content and presented at the community meetings yesterday! There were quite a few project updates presented for the Ussuri release. If you missed the meetings, you can find the recordings in this playlist [1] and links to the presentations are also included in the video abstracts. We have also posted both meeting recordings on Tencent Cloud, so you can watch the first community meeting [2] or the second community meeting [3] there as well. If you have any trouble accessing these resources, please let me know. 


[1] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKqaoAnDyfgpYADSiOfIVwgKb5zbL0GJE
[2] https://v.qq.com/x/page/q0966o61rz9.html
[3] https://v.qq.com/x/page/d09667otaf1.html 

Allison Price
OpenStack Foundation