Naïve question follows. Sorry.
I’m trying a minimal OS install on a Virtualbox VM on a mac. I’d like to get to the point where I can launch a compute node.  I’ve failed with `packstack` and I’m trying `devstack`.
Should this work out of the box: ie
Afaict, the vm has enough memory (just: it’s using a bit of swap, but more cache, so it could reclaim that).  I’d expected the instance to launch, and I can well believe that I’ve missed something, but the documentation seems to point all over the place for various logs.
Should this approach work? Is there an alternative that’s better (e.g. use Ubuntu: I’m not keen on apt/dpkg/.deb based distros as I’ve been tripped up in the past over the dependency handling and systemd integration, so I’ve avoided this, but I can see that Canonical is spending money on OS. But so is IBM/Redhat)?  Where can I find info on how to trouble shoot the failing process?