Hi Cakra,

Again welcome and thanks for your interest in Neutron. I think Lajos recommendation is excellent: go over the Projects Team Gathering (PTG) discussion log. I just want to give you context on how relevant that is. Every six months, every OpenStack project team gets together for 3 or 4 days and decides what are the most important topics to implement or address over the next  few months. So what you find in those logs is what the community decided this past April were the current key priorities for the team.

Best regards

Miguel Lavalle (mlavalle)

On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 2:25 AM Lajos Katona <katonalala@gmail.com> wrote:
Welcome :-)
Perhaps a god starting point can be the list of open bugs for Neutron:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/?orderby=-datecreated&start=0 (be careful to order them to have the newest on top for example)

Another first read can be the log of the last Projects Team Gathering for Neutron team:
Here you can read what topics were discussed ad perhaps have a glimpse of what the community feels as most important.

Best wishes
Lajos Katona (lajoskatona)

Cakra Wirabuana <wirabuanacakra85@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2024. máj. 2., Cs, 16:36):
Hi everyone,

I am a master's student in computer science at a university in Indonesia. I am interested in writing a thesis related to OpenStack-Neutron because my background is in the networking field. However, I am still having trouble deciding on the right topic other than security. Can I get information here about what's hot on the Neutron network? Maybe for example in terms of measurements (delay, packet drop, jitter), etc.

Thank you,
Cakra Wirabuana