But the good thing is I still have the tag opened on my laptop,
so here you are:
Ussuri Virtual PTG
Two days:
- Thursday 28
November 0900-1100 UTC
- Wednesday 4 December 0900-1100
Containerized master
- - Catalyst Cloud care
about this feature as a public cloud provider, how about
CERN and StackHPC?
- - It looks
interesting, but at the moment we won't benefit very much
from a brutal change. What about a new
driver? See this
llink https://github.com/lingxiankong/magnum/tree/k8s-on-k8s it will
be a new driver. And user can choose which kind of cluster
by using different driver/template
- - Is there a demand
for this feature from you as a Cloud Provider POV or is this
mirroring GCP model? Not just
mirroring, this feature can dramitically reduce the cluster
cost since user won't have to pay the master node cost. Dos
this allow a master to be shared between multiple clusters? No,
there will be a root cluster managed by clouder provider,
and user's cluster master node will be run on the root
cluster as pods. so yes
:) It is consolidation of resources. No, it's
different. it's not a master being shared. still
disagree but ok, it is a detail on describing Right,
we don't have to go to far in this session. From
our POV, there is a greater demand for master resize. With
this way, master resizing will be easy. Do you
have a diagram or just code? Download
this https://drive.google.com/open?id=10Qx-BQwv-JSXSSDTdFOQI_PnU2tL4JM9. We are not opposed
to this, its a cool idea, but would like to see it in
action. Was there a live demo at the summit??? YesCool, I'll wait for
the videos...
- there are things
missing, like the master IP. I (love? irony) that it
is in ubuntu so fully incompatible with we have now. It's
just a PoC, we can switch to FC30, it's not a problem I
think. Lingxian did this with Ubuntu, just because he's more
familiar with Ubuntu and Ansible, that doesn't mean we will
go for this eventually.
- - Catalyst Cloud will
slowly and carefully do the upstream
- I can not gurantee we
will be onboard. That is why we have drivers. Totally
Cinder CSI - remove in-tree Cinder
this is a small
patch, no? Is anyone depending on cinder? let's take a patch. Catalyst
Cloud is using Cinder, I think CERN and StackHPC are not, right?
Yes looks like it
from the kubespray PR.
Caveat: For the
moment, only Cinder v3 is supported by the CSI Driver. Not sure
if this is a blocker? Is this the block-storage endpoint? For master
branch, i don't think this is a blocker. Ok.So I will propose a patch
for CSI support. Yes. I am
also happy to work on the patch next week. Sold, it's
all yours. That was
easy... +1
All addons in a helm chart
- Traefik - this one
should be easy. We need an ower for this.CERN can take this.
- What else?
- autoscaler
- keystone webhook
- kubernetes
- flannel
- calico
- Isn't kustomize the cool
kid in the block these days? There are
no community ready recipes for this.
As for the Helm,
personally, I'd like to see a refactoring so that we can remove
those shell scripts from https://github.com/openstack/magnum/tree/master/magnum/drivers/common/templates/kubernetes/helm Do you think
we can drop those scripts by only have one and using a loop to
install charts?????? It won't be
a loop. It will one umbrella chart. I don't care
TBH, but I don't want to see we're using Helm and still have to
maintain such a lot bash scripts. Which makes me hard to see the
value of switching to Helm, comparing the old way we're using
with tons of bash scripts. One chart
to rule them all. It would be
fantastic, will CERN take
this??????????????????????????????????????????????? ;)
Support for containerd?
- Master
Another bonus maybe
got by this is dropping the (discovery service dependency - what
is this?) If we want
to support master resizing, that probably means we will use
token to bootstrap etcd cluster, and with that way, we can drop
the dependency for the https://discovery.etcd.io
Isn't this
irrelevant with the containerized master? Yes and No.
Though with the containerized master, the master resizing could
be easy. But we still want to allow user to resize a VM-based
masters Catalyst
needs this? We do have
customers asked this. +1. I would say
the public cloud customers are more picky than private cloud
users. You guys can argue that :)They are not. Try having
customers that can ask for anything and they know it is free. LOL.
After discussing
the better containrized magnum, we (CERN) will take a look into
rebuiding the master and moving the master to the OPS tenant.
Not sure how far will take the resizing.Into Ops tenant, but still
being VM? yes. OK. Then what's the
benefit? users dont'
touch or see the vm, OPS have access to it and can do
inrenventions. The change is small, "don't create the stack in
user's tenant, but in OPS" OK, I can
see the point from CERN's PoV. You don't
benefit from this? Not much,
because user still need to pay (I don't think you saw
what i said)for the VM and it's making
harder for billing. The master
will be owned by the OPS project. How is the user being charged? But the
master nodes will still occupy resource, no? The
containerzed masters cluster is not occupying resources? It is, but
far less than several c2r4 VMs. How come?
if you need 4 cores in VMs you still need cores in the k8s
cluster. Overcommit the vms if needed. But as pods,
we can use small 'flavor' for master nodes and have more for HA. I don't see
it, sorry, maybe it is your billing. From the resources
perspective is almost the same.Yes, you raised a good
point. I will calculate it again. That said,
there is still value in containerized master.
At the moment,
`openstack coe cluster list` AS AN ADMIN shows all clusters from
all projects. When you try to do `openstack coe cluster config
project_from_another_tenant`, you hit a 404. This does not seem
this 100% not an upstream bug.
[bkunwar@cloudadmin000 ~]$ openstack coe cluster config
k8s-radarad-2 --dir ~/.kube/ --force
20b15ecd-9748-433a-b52c-09c2bbf7f603 could not be found (HTTP
404) (Request-ID: req-d9eaddf5-ef46-449a-b622-c6da7e26ecf3)
ah, ok makes sense, it is
a feature. You can change the policy or add admin in all
projects.Yes, by default, as admin,
you shouldn't get the right to access any other's cluster(say
customer's cluster) OK
Replace heapster with metrics-server. Isn't this already done?
- Magum
Catalyst Cloud just done
some big improvements for the Magnum UI and we would like to
contribute them back. I will add you guys as reviewer for that.
Just a heads up.
Cool! I have just
figured out how to look at the magnum-ui plugin on dev Horizon
so will be fun to put that to use.
Worker node upgrade by replacement
- New upgrade in
progress or reconciling status
- Use resize API to
drop nodes from one nodegroup to anpther (one-by-one /
- do this from inside
the cluster with a daemon/pod running in the master so you
can drain first. It would
be great. We can extend the magnum-auto-healer as
- maybe new controller
and then merge if needed? Also
works for me.
- Would this work for
upgrade from Atomic to CoreOS?
- not initially, it
could be possible. But when I started to support both Atomic
and CoreOS in the same driver (we - who? I think
me, you, feilong, it was IRC) changed
our mind.
- I am in two minds
about this - on one hand, clusters are disposable... they
are not pets. Every
elaborate service I know on k8s never uprgades, only
replaces. many small clusters. This is the most stable
pattern. You just need to figure out the proxy in front of
the cluster.
- Not tried this but if
a new nodegroup has a different image specified and it uses
fedora-coreos label instead of fedora-atomic, what would
happen. It
could work. Cool,
this should be good enough.
Removing unused drivers and labels
- e.g. kube_version...
what is this for? nothing but
the values in cluster show
- Do we still need a
CoreOS driver? Fedora Ironic Driver? Anyone using the Mesos and
DCOS drivers? we don't swarm_fedora_atomic_v1? v2 for us Does v2
still work? We can call
for owner/maintainers for each inactive driver, if there is no
maintainer for volunteer, then we can move them into "contrib",
thoughts? Moving it
to contrib would not lighten the code base. I was thinking of
culling them. Cant remember the last time anyone asked a
question about these drivers +1? I don't know. We can
revisit this one later. Seems we don't have a quick conclustion. 👍
- - Containerized master - Catalyst
- - Cinder CSI - remove in-tree Cinder - StackHPC, do this with helm
from the start ✅
- - All addons in a helm chart - CERN
will look at this, StackHPC can help with... also bump up
chart versions and check compatibility.
- - Master resize - Catalyst, as part of the
containerized solution? I will
start with a spec, maybe separate
- - Worker node replacement - CERN
- - Drop Heapster -
On 2/12/19 9:41 AM, Feilong Wang wrote:
I can't load it, the page is always in Loading status.
On 2/12/19 2:49 AM, Spyros Trigazis
the etherpad is broken for me. I think an emoji did it. I have
seen that in the past.
Infra team resurrected it.
Is it working for you?
Hi team,
After discussed with other team members, the virtual PTG is
schedule on:
1st Session: 28th Nov 9:00AM-11:00AM UTC
2nd Session: 4th Dec 9:00AM-11:00AM UTC
Please add your topics on
On 19/11/19 10:46 AM, Feilong Wang wrote:
> Hi team,
> As we discussed on last weekly team meeting, we'd like
to have a virtual
> PTG before the Xmas holiday to plan our work for the U
release. The
> general idea is extending our current weekly meeting
time from 1 hour to
> 2 hours and having 2 sessions with total 4 hours. My
current proposal is
> as below, please reply if you have question or
comments. Thanks.
> Pre discussion/Ideas collection: 20th Nov
9:00AM-10:00AM UTC
> 1st Session: 27th Nov 9:00AM-11:00AM UTC
> 2nd Session: 4th Dec 9:00AM-11:00AM UTC
Cheers & Best regards,
Feilong Wang (王飞龙)
Head of R&D
Catalyst Cloud - Cloud Native New Zealand
Tel: +64-48032246
Email: flwang@catalyst.net.nz
Level 6, Catalyst House, 150 Willis Street, Wellington
Cheers & Best regards,
Feilong Wang (王飞龙)
Head of R&D
Catalyst Cloud - Cloud Native New Zealand
Tel: +64-48032246
Email: flwang@catalyst.net.nz
Level 6, Catalyst House, 150 Willis Street, Wellington
Cheers & Best regards,
Feilong Wang (王飞龙)
Senior Cloud Software Engineer
Tel: +64-48032246
Email: flwang@catalyst.net.nz
Catalyst IT Limited
Level 6, Catalyst House, 150 Willis Street, Wellington