Hello TripleO,
I am proposing to move to End of Life for stable/stein and
stable/queens branches across all TripleO repos (stein [1] and queens
The proposal was introduced and discussed in recent TripleO irc
meetings [3] and there have been no objections so far.
The main reason is to allow us to focus our resources on the more
active branches, train ussuri victoria wallaby and xena (!). We moved
the rocky branch to EOL last cycle with [4] for the same reason.
I think this move is well justified as these branches are getting
relatively few commits lately (so calling into question the resources
we are dedicating to running and maintaining the check, gate and 3rd
party periodic/promotion lines). Looking at tripleo-common,
python-tripleoclient and tripleo-heat-templates I counted 9 commits to
stable/stein and 23 commits to stable/queens since November 2020
(details on those numbers at [5][6]).
Please speak up if you have any concerns or questions about the
proposal. If there are none then the next step is to post a review
against the releases repo to make it official.
regards, marios
[1] https://releases.openstack.org/teams/tripleo.html#stein
[2] https://releases.openstack.org/teams/tripleo.html#queens
[3] https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tripleo/2021/tripleo.2021-06-08-14.00.html
[4] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/774244
[5] https://gist.github.com/marios/b3155fe3b1318cc26bfa4bc15c764a26#gistcomment-3752102
[6] https://gist.github.com/marios/b3155fe3b1318cc26bfa4bc15c764a26#gistcomment-3755127