Hello ironic-cores and metalsmith-cores,

I would like to propose Harald Jensas for metalsmith-core.
During the Zed Cycle he had a lot of reviews for the project [1], in yoga he contributed a lot to the project [2]. Looking at all the releases in stackalytics he is #6 in commits [3] and reviews [4].

Please vote with +1/-1 (till Sep 25)

[1] https://www.stackalytics.io/?release=zed&module=opendev.org/openstack/metalsmith
[2] https://www.stackalytics.io/?release=yoga&module=opendev.org/openstack/metalsmith&metric=commits
[3] https://www.stackalytics.io/?release=all&module=opendev.org/openstack/metalsmith&metric=commits
[4] https://www.stackalytics.io/?release=all&module=opendev.org/openstack/metalsmith&metric=marks

Iury Gregory Melo Ferreira 
MSc in Computer Science at UFCG
Ironic PTL Yoga and Zed Cycle
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat Brazil