Error : failed to perform requested operation on instance "WindowsVM "the instance has error status. Please try again later [Error exceeded maximum number of retries. Exhausted all hosts available for retrying build failures for instance e3d5c095-7d26-4b1e-89d1-d1a6e20a45041 I am trying to import a WIndows2012 Single disk VM, to OpenStack Ussuri, with glance and Qemu KVM. In bare machine KVM I am able to import and boot this Windows VM which exported from rhevm hypervisor as vhdx image. what I have done is 1. converted this windows image from vhdx to qcow2 2. root@MeghCtrol1:/home/cloud/CMOBB_APP#cirt-install --name WINDOWS --ram=1048 --vcups=1 --cpu host --hvm --dick path=BackUP2_CMAPP_disk_1_Windows_qcow2_imagefile,device=disk, format=qcow2,bus=virtio --graphics vnc --boot uefi This uploaded the qcow2 image of WindowsVM to KVM hypervisor and its working. But when I do importing to openstack unable to launch instance from the image . These are the steps I performed.. 1. openstack image create "WindowsVM" --file CMAPP_disk_1.qcow2 --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public 4.openstack image set --property hw_firmware_type=uefi --property os_secure_boot=required WindowsVM 5.openstack image set --property hw_firmware_type=uefi --property hw_disk_bus=ide WindowsVM 6.openstack image show WindowsVM 7. root@dmzcloud:/home/cloud# openstack image show WindowsVM|grep "properties" | properties | hw_disk_bus='ide', hw_firmware_type='uefi', os_hash_algo='sha512', os_hash_value='753ee596980409e1e72d6d020c8219c56a6ada8b43f634fb575c594a245725a398e45982c0a1ad72b3fc3451cde62cceb9ff22be044863b31ecdd7893b049349', os_hidden='False', os_secure_boot='required', owner_specified.openstack.md5='', owner_specified.openstack.object='images/WindowsVM', owner_specified.openstack.sha256='' | root@dmzcloud:/home/cloud# Then I logged into horizon dashboard, from the images selected the imported image and try to launch the instance. With a Flavour of 550 GB disk, 4 vcpus and 8GB Ram .. The instance spawning ran for 30 minutes and throws the error which I pasted first in the right top corner of horizon dashboard. How to solve this error and boot the Windows machine successfully .. """ Error : failed to perform requested operation on instance "WindowsVM "the instance has error status. Please try again later [Error exceeded maximum number of retries. Exhausted all hosts available for retrying build failures for instance e3d5c095-7d26-4b1e-89d1-d1a6e20a45041 """ Any help highly appreciated. Kris