Hello, Maybe increasing the value of a setting like memcache_pool_conn_get_timeout can help? Cheers, Maysa. On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 2:05 PM Eugen Block <eblock@nde.ag> wrote:
I remember having a similar issue a few years back in an older openstack release, probably Ocata. We had difficulties loading *all* instances in the admin tab in Horizon dashboard. It turned out to be a memcached misconfiguration. I don't recall the details, unfortunately. But I'd start with memcached.
Zitat von Adivya Singh <adivya1.singh@gmail.com>:
hi Team,
We have Xena release installed on Ubuntu Openstack, Lately we are getting "504 Gateway Timeout error ", As the we moved from 1 node to 3 node Open Stack i do not see any error in haproxy , neither there is a time out when i ping external-VIP-IP configured.
Apache 2 are also loaded, tried to delete the Horizon Container and created it again, but no errors, Still the same errors.
Any guesses on that
Regards Adivya Singh