Hi Angel

So for nova instances, the ceilometer-agent charm is added as a subordinate (by relating the application to the nova-compute application).  This "enable-all-pollsters" on the ceilometer-agent charm then enables all available pollsters on the the nova-compute node.  The relevant template that gets written is: https://opendev.org/openstack/charm-ceilometer-agent/src/branch/master/templates/polling.yaml

If this doesn't help then please report back here, or join us in either #openstack-charms on IRC or in the OpenStack Charms channel in our public mattermost (https://chat.charmhub.io/charmhub/channels/openstack-charms) if you'd like to chat or have more 'real time' help.


On Thu, 4 May 2023 at 04:28, Angel Santana <angelsantana@neoscloudllc.com> wrote:

   I deployed Ceilometer into my OpenStack deployment using the Juju charm. I’m trying to add a custom metric that records the uptime of instances every hour. I’m totally lost on how to archive this or if it’s possible. Any help would be appreciate.

   So far I tried playing around with the meters.yaml and polling.yaml to see if I could pull it off with no luck. Is this possible? how should I do it?

   Thanks in advance.


Alex Kavanagh
OpenStack Engineering  - Canonical Ltd